Why can't the sender create the image description?


I wonder why I can’t edit the image describtion of a postcard as a sender. I am sending a postcard and often is the describtion or any explaining on the other side covered by the stamps. After I’ve uploaded the image of the postcard I would like to write the describtion if there is any. But it isn’t possible. Can anybody tell me why just the receiver of the postcard can add a describtion because it doesn’t really make sense.



I would like to add the describtion what “Weihnachtsgruesse aus Duesseldorf” means but I can not do it.

Danke :slight_smile:


I think only the receiver can edit the image description after it arrives, but you can comment the meaning if you want to :wink:

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That’s just one of the many things that Postcrossing does that doesn’t make sense. They control these little things and it’ll probably never change. It would make sense to have the person creating the image to add a description.


But this doesn’t help or make sence either. The describtion of a postcard should do the sender, not the receiver.


But if you think about, even if the sender adds a photo and description, the person who controls it after arriving is the receiver. They can also just remove it, take another photo and add it. So maybe it makes sense to leave it all for the receiver to do so as they please.


But it could be made optional for the sender to leave as is, add something or remove it completely. Just as it is for the picture.


This also isn’t a solution because, as already mentioned, the receiver probably can’t read the describtion of the postcard because it is often covered by stamps.

And again … I am still looking for an explanation why the original sender/owner is not allowed to send the describtion of the postcard!


That wouldn’t be a bad idea considering that some of the text on the card could be covered up by stamps or in a language you can’t translate.


The receiver of the postcard becomes the owner, and has so has full control of what appears on their own wall: picture, description, and even comments if they wish to delete comments. If they are unsure what the postcard shows, or need a translation, they can always ask the sender.

If the sender wishes to write a description about the postcard, they can do so in the comments. I have done this a few times.

It would be nice if the sender could include a description, but ownership and control of one’s own account (wall) is more important. Some people don’t want descriptions. Some people don’t even want pictures on their wall.


Sure, but it would be great if the sender could add a description but the receiver of the card can decide what to do with it.


This has been discussed in the old forum for years and I still haven’t read a satisfactory answer to the question. The sender can upload a picture that the receiver can then remove if they want to. So why shouldn’t the sender be able to enter a description that the receiver could then remove or change? A description on the postcard may not only be covered up by stamps or a cancellation mark, it is often also in a language or even a Script that the receiver can’t read, but the sender can.

I honestly can’t see a downside to this. Nobody has to fill in anything (just as you don’t have to upload a picture) and the receiver would still keep full control by being able to delete or change or add to the description of the sender.


What if the sender wants to write a description with the information on the postcard before covering it with stamps? If they have to wait until it’s received, they have to take a photo of the back, keep it and remember to write the comment when the postcard has arrived… In my opinion it’s better that the sender can write a description of the postcard right away. Then the receiver can delete it when the postcard is registered, if they prefer so.


Ok, this is just my theory and I nowhere claim it is correct* :stuck_out_tongue: But I think it may be limited to “only picture” to deter people from putting their personal messages in the “description field”. Postcrossing already tells you everywhere that “you still need to mail actual postcard” but I can bet there are people who don’t notice that/don’t get the concept of postcrossing etc. So one reason would be avoiding misunderstanding.

The other could be just limiting people from putting stuff that is not related to what’s on the postcard - like messages for swaps, personal details etc. It’s great to have the receiver being able to edit/remove everything but not everyone uses that or even knows it’s an option.

* I nowhere say it’s a good or bad solution too, just my two cents :stuck_out_tongue:


I think this would be especially important to give credit to local artists who created art postcards. We all know of the Mona Lisa and who painted that, but it’d be interesting to learn of the German painter in a small town who created a beautiful work of art.


Some motives need some Meta data. A sender could include it in the text of the backside but the general audience would not get it. These Data where for example the name of the artist, the title of the picture, some translations or transscrips, locations and dates.


I agree with this. Who is going to remember what the back of the card says a week or a month after they send it?

I think the suggestion to allow the sender to add the description is a sensible one.

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However, the description would not be visible to anyone anyway until it was registered. So if what was written was inappropriate, the receiver could easily delete it or immediately report it.

Several of my sent cards are from photos I’ve taken. I add details after they’re received, but it would be more convenient for me to add that at upload.


There is often information about the motif on the back of postcards. As the sender, I would also like to have the opportunity to write a comment; not only as the recipient.
After receiving the postcard, the recipient can dispose of it, similar to the picture.


When you upload a card image as the recipient, you can add a description to the image but, as far as I can tell, there is no way to add a description as the sender (except for commenting on it after it has been received). It would be really helpful to be able to add a description when pre-uploading travelling card images!