Which shall I turn into postcards?

Please help me. Which of the following images would you like to receive as a postcard?



I like all photos✨
I really like the fifth one :+1::+1:


1 or 4

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I like the first one. Such a cosy vibe!!

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No. 2

But it should be “truth”, not “thruth”.

As a former editor and language teacher I cannot read anything without noticing spelling mistakes - UNLESS I’ve written the text myself :wink:

And of course it should not be “women” but “housewives and househusbands” or maybe “parents”? :wink:


Ah thanks for the hint, I have not spotted it.
I also realized, the problem with this one is, that the words are not written by me. I have copied this from somewhere as a quote, but I don’t know who’s quote it is…
So maybe, I should forget about it, just to be safe.

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I really like the first one.

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My favourite is the one with the bird. :blush:


I think if the quote is not yours and you don’t know who wrote it, you shouldn’t use it. People should always give the credits to the original writer, designer or photographer.
I think the first and last are the best of these. :blush:

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They are all pretty cool in their own way… depending on mood/personal taste - I would be happy with any of them. If I had to choose - probably the Espresso Room - i really like coffee. LOL. but then … I love stationery … ALL of them… LOL

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I like the “Espresso room” (but little uncomfortable with the pigeon spikes there :grimacing:).

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I like the Espresso Room the most and the one with bird is great, too.


3 and 4 would be my favourites.

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All cards are great. I myself especially like card 1 and 2, but for card 2 I also think that you should not use it without credits to the orginal writer.

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My favourites are the last two (the one with the bird and the Espresso Room).

And I agree with the other that it would be safer to research the author or the quote.

:green_heart: :fox_face:


Yes, number 2 is not ok, as it is and I will not turn it into a card. I think 1, 4 and 5 will be a good choice.

I like 2 & 4 myself, but I’m sure lots would like 1 & 5 too. I like the font/colour of 3 but the long list of things makes me feel tired, lol

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Bird one is my favorite :slight_smile:


I must add, I would like them all!
But the window with reflection from outdoors, the plaque, then you see indoors, there’s nice movement happening :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I like the last one​:+1::+1:

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