Which shall I turn into postcards?

3 and 4 are awesome in my humble opinion!

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I agree with @theburningones, bird is definitely my favorite :heart_eyes:

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My favourite is the fourth one, with the bird!

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#4 is excellent

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I would like the quote card but without the quote. And with a clearer moon, I love moon cardsšŸŒ

It was a foggy evening, so there was no clear moon.

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You could take a new photo, many people like the moon and stars :slightly_smiling_face:

I like it the way it is and there are tons of moon cards. I want something special, but thanks for your opinion.

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Definitely No 4!
Regarding the quote if you sign it with - unknown the whole ā€˜problemā€™ is gone :wink:

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No, there is still a copyright issue.

I love 4 and 5

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Iā€™d prefer the last one, if it was brighter.

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Yes ofcourse there is but if you donā€™t who the quote is from. A lot of magazineā€™s use quotes from unknown people or sources all the time. It would be a pity if a good quote would get lost because no one knows where itā€™s fromā€¦

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I love the one with the bird


All of them!!! They are amazing!

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