Which is my most beautiful officially sent card?

Hi @Alinushka!
Yes, I don’t understand why there are only 3 postcards displayed because I have already sent 10, but hey, I’m new…
Thanks anyway! :wink:

For my part, I like these:



Thank you very much @TanjaK93!

I found how to access all my postcards: go to search, then type emmmaa and do search, then click on emmmaa and finally go to Sent…
So! :wink:

Sorry, my images are not in the right order but hey, you will find it well! :sob:

Tag @emmmaa

I like this card

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Tag @Hemang

You’ve sent many cards I really like. But voting for only one card, I’ve picked this one, because it tells a whole story, about people and the country, but also about people and nature in general.


Tag @ChocCrossie, I think it depicts: character is like a tree and reputation is like its shadow.



I really love the colours and graphics of these two! So nice :heart_eyes:

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Hi @twinkledee !
I like this postcard :

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I like the colors and lighting on this one:

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Tag @Tara_Bell

I like its peacefulness and colourfulness.

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Tag @Karaluni
This card is adorable


Tag @Hemang

I don’t know why :sweat_smile: This one is just so pretty weird and cool.


Tag @Anurag

It’s magical :sparkles:

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Tag @Karaluni soothing scenery!

Tag @twinkledee vibe!

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@Anurag I like these two best and can’t decide between them. The first because of the colors and the kind of building you don’t get to see here. And the second, because I like birds.

And this one is definitely not your most beautiful one, but it made me laugh :grin::



I think I like this one most:

@FoTiS I like many of your cards but these two caught my eye:



The rainbow owl:

@Tara_Bell, my favourite of your sent cards is the Lemon Plum Tree! I really like the illustrated design and it’s bright and cheery :smiling_face:

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