Which is my most beautiful officially sent card?

Hi @Gene

These were my two favourite cards

The flowers are so pretty!



I like these



I like these the best:



Sorry I’m not sure how to get the preview to show up.

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Dear @Appaloosa05 , I have to say I absolutely adore this card, so much so I Favorited it every time I found it on your wall! :laughing:

I’ve had a really rough week (found out a friend passed away, among other things) and later today we’re going birdwatching in the woods in a rural area. Because this is migration time, we might even see some of the warblers on this beautiful card. :heart: Birdwatching is good for my spirit.

Thank you for sharing!


I’m so sorry to hear you’ve had a rough week. I hope the birdwatching was good and glad you enjoyed the card.

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As an initiator of this topic I’ll try to comment on every new participant!
Many favs given (of course)!!

I was very impressed by the following3 different types of card (touristic illusration - illustration and photo-touristic card):

Pikita cards are so beautiful!

And I also loved this maxicard from Australia!


Mountains and trains/furniculars are just so amazing




(I like stadiums and baseball)




Just love this stadium photo!



@Florallle so many lovely cards to choose from…

This one here below is a living proof that “Happy Postcrossing” cards don’t have to be ugly…


Hello @FoTiS!

A couple of favourites from your wall (I recognise so many! Haha)

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Wow, @twinkledee how many wonderful cards you’ve sent!
My favourites will be

Seashore maximum card :heart_eyes: Nothing to add, indeed.

These flowers are so colourful :cherry_blossom::hibiscus:

And this one is just pure magic. I’ve never seen such clouds.


You have sent lots of nice cards, @Famarga !

This one is hilarious:

The sky on this one is gorgeous:

But this card is the most beautiful for me:


It’s very hard to choose just one or even a few most beautiful postcards. Some of the most beautiful postcards are not necessarily from my interests.

@Kanerva You have some really gorgeous sent cards.

These 3 are my favourites, I think.

Something about this picture just fascinates me:

This one is just plain gorgeous:

And that fox is sooooo cute:


Hello @Facella

I really adore Manfred Deix and his “malicious eye” on the Austrian society and more in general on the human society. Therefore this postcard is defenitely one of my favorites :heart_eyes:

This one is nice too

And I love these vintage cards

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Tag @TanjaK93

It is so hard to pick a few favorites!! Such a beautiful wall of sent cards. They’re just my style and favorite themes too. You have cards for everyone’s different preferences, but I love that they share a nostalgic, dreamy aesthetic.

Here are my favorites:

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Ooh, I like this one the most!

Maybe it’s just me, because I’m obsessed with birds and iridescent things :smile:

But actually, you have a lot of cute postcards. Like these, for example


Tag @Fae-fae-fae :hugs:

This one is amazing! I love the style, colour, composition :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

These I love, too:

Marysya Rudska’s illustrations are amazing (and I actually have received this bird card myself :two_hearts:)

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TAG @Idler

I love the painting style, and because there is a cat in the picture:

…and I love birds in winter


Well, I adore badgers, so I especially love this card of @Mezzosoprano ’s:

But I also love this ethereal rainbow:

…and these trees!


tag @doryfera

I love old art and reading women so these two cards are simply perfect in my eyes (would love to have them!) :heart_eyes: So beautiful. I added them in my favs.

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tag @CorvusCorax Lots of beautiful cards to chose from. My favorites are:

for aesthetics:

For cuteness:



So many great cards! :smiling_face: :smiling_face: These are my favourites!