Where to get stamps in Denmark and what stamps to use?


I am going to Denmark for a few days and wanted to use travel mode if possible. But I can’t fully find how the postal system works in Denmark. What is the price for stamps and which stamps would I need?
Also, I have no idea where you can get them. In the Netherlands, you can get stamps almost in all stores that sell postcards, but I have no idea how that is in Denmark.

I would love to get some help with this :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance!

Sending from Denmark is extremely expensive. Personally I would consider to bring IRC (International Reply Coupon) to exchange those there, but I don’t know if PostNL sells them.

(36 DKK are nearly 5 EUR!)

edit: NL doesn’t issue them anymore. But maybe you will go through Germany where they’re still sold for 2 EUR.


As far as I know they are nowadays only available in the online shop of Deutsche Post:

Whenever I am in Denmark in travel mode I send the cards from Germany afterwards. It would be nicer to send them directly from Denmark, but it’s just too expensive. So maybe it would also work for you to send your cards from the Netherlands after your trip.

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They sell stamps in many souvenir shops where you can also buy cards (a lot cheaper than stamps). The stamp price is expensive as mentioned, but mind you Denmark is an expensive country in general. In my opinion if you are ready to travel to an expensive country, in the big picture a couple of stamps shouldn’t crash your budget.

Sure, you can send your cards from the Netherlands, but receivers may be disappointed if they receive your card sent not from origin. Maybe your budget allows a couple of cards sent from the origin and you could go for quality instead quantity?


For some reason I was not able to buy stamps in the souvenir shops in Copenhagen this spring. I was told to look for a PostNord office. To say I was surprised with the prices is to say nothing! So I only dared to send two postcards - one for the sister, and another one via postcrossing. The latter, unfortunately, never arrived… Well, maybe, it will arrive one day. Sometimes it takes like a year for the post to reach its destination :slight_smile:

I do not like the idea of sending Denmark postcards in the Netherlands so I wasn’t planning to do that anyway. Although I will say that, like the response below you said that stamps aren’t available everywhere may have to do it anyway. If I can send it, I will and add it to my budget. I just don’t have a lot of free time to roam around, so looking for a post office is not possible for me, unless I accidentally stumble across it. I’m going there with a group with our sports team to play a game, so it’s only a small amount of time that we are going to be there.
Thank you for the information though.
All of you thank you!

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I sent a few cards from Denmark last year, but ordered the stamps online directly from the Danish post office before I left. If you’re leaving in a few weeks, this is a good option. For postcards, look around in the main railway station in Copenhagen. There’s a postbox there, too. I only did a few private swaps, because, as everyone else says, the cost was very high.

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I ordered stamps from Denmark last year as well but when I tried to do so this year it was not possible to have them sent to a non Danish address

It never gets easier! :slightly_frowning_face:

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Agree. Reading this thread and then checking up on the old places I used to buy stamps and cards in Copenhagen, it really makes me sad. I wanted to help the original poster, but I have nothing to offer. It was easy and pleasant for me then, but it seems now these places have changed their policies or don’t exist at all anymore. :frowning:

The International Reply Coupon seems a good idea, but a Danish postcrosser wrote me than Nordpost doesn’t accept IRC anymore…

Well, technically they must accept them as they are a member of the UPU. But practically that doesn’t help to much if people at post offices don’t know how to handle them.

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Ooh, I remember why I did not buy stamps in the souvenir shop. I though they were over-priced and wanted to check official post stores. But yeah, that’s the regular price. Like 5 eur, no wonder it was so confusing. (And no wonder there aren’t many postcrossers in Denmark). Ridiculous

Here’s a way to find the places in Denmark which sell stamps. Quoting myself from a thread in Scandinavia as that’s quicker that rewriting it!


PostNord in Denmark recently made a deal with a stamp dealer/selling site Nordfrim that they have exclusive rights to sell Danish stamps for international buyers for the same price the post offices sell them in Denmark. That’s why you can’t buy them to non-Danish address from PostNord’s own webshop anymore. I have used that site myself few times in past and they ships everywhere in the world.

@Gait Danish stamps have caused quite lot of wonderings so you can find some answers on the thread that Norway_girl linked above :slight_smile:


Normally every super-market with postnord-counter also have stamps. I always was able to buy them there. There is no big choice of motives, but normally they have the international stamps (36 dkr) as well as the national ones (12 dkr) and I often bought the 12dkr stamps to be able to stick three different stamps on the card.
If you tell me in a PM where you go, I probably can give you a certain hint, where to buy stamps. :wink:


I ordered with them and got my stamps today. Thank you so much for pointing this out :slight_smile:

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Hi everyone, I wasn’t sure where to post this.

I am located in the United States however I will be traveling to Denmark in July. I was hoping to send postcards back to myself and family from Denmark and I’m having a heckuva time trying to figure out how to do that. It appears that there are no longer post offices and everything has gone online (and PostNord won’t mail stamps outside of Denmark) I was hoping somebody from Denmark might be able to guide me on how I might be able to buy postage either ahead of time or while there so that I can send postcards home

Thank you in advance

Cheryl M

You could check out this post! Where to get stamps in Denmark and what stamps to use?

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I sent postcards from Denmark this year and bought the stamps in a local supermarket. The cashier took some time to find the right stamp because international postcards are a bit unusual, but they did have them. Keep in mind that Denmark is one of the most expansive countries for stamps…

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