Where to get Postcards in Israel?

Hello fellow postcrossers,
I live in Haifa, and I cannot find any shops that sell postcards nearby, only one museum which gives them free, but the selection is vey limited.
For now I am forced to travel great lengths to buy a postcard, or to buy online, which doesn’t suit me personally.
Please let me know where can I find Postcards in Haifa, or even Tel-Aviv would be nice.

Thank you,


Hi Sean,

maybe you could try asking other Israeli postcrossers in this topic:

I’m sure they’ll be happy to help. :smiley:


Not sure if my suggestion will get a lot of love or hate… but I have found that it is actually quite cost effective to get nice quality post cards printed up in batches and sent to me to use for PostCrossing. These are as good if not better quality cardstock and printing than what you might be able to buy in a tourist shop. You usually have the option of printing both front and back, so you can even put in photo credits and lines to write the address on for the back side. Many of the card printing services permit you to put as large a variety of photos that you want on the front per batch at no extra cost. So you aren’t stuck printing off 25 of the same card. (I use www.moo.com, but don’t know if they are cost effective for you. I can vouch for their quality, however.)

So, if you have any knack for photography, you could actually make your own post cards for your area. Like you, I live in a beautiful town by the sea, and there used to be postcards for my town in every local pharmacy. In the last 10 years, the stores stopped stocking them. I could go into the tourist areas of SF to buy tacky SF postcards… but … meh.

Hi, can you post pics of the free museum cards?
The nearest museum/shop for me, is about 80 miles away. Is frustrating :expressionless: i buy from Amazon and on-line shops.