" Where are you ? / Looking for ... "

“Looking for …” Where are you?

This topic was part of the old forum.

I have followed the topic and I have also posted a few times because I really missed a pen pal or forum member who was previously active with some forum activities.

Fortunately other forum members responded to my question ( written on the forum ) and sometimes they indeed had more information, they knew if he or she was still active.
And yes, sometimes the “missing” person read the mail themselves and responded.

I notice that several members are looking for friends who were members of the old forum. Since the forum names have also changed, I hope friends will find each other again through this topic.

Sometimes people on this forum disappear for various reasons, too quickly and too easily.
It’s nice to know that they may still be active.

Dear friends,
Do not hesitate to post your call here. :bellhop_bell: :writing_hand:t2:


Yes, I created a topic for “Fiona” .


I will close my topic :wink: .
And :tada: “Fiona” has been found :smiley:

Thank you @bom_dia

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