What's your Postcrossing goal?

My goal is to do my very best to get a beautiful heart-warming Hurray-message. Some really make my day and then I flag them so I can read them later when I feel like it.


My 8 yo (who this account is for) says her goal is to create loving friendly connections and send out some joy, sunshine, and love to complete strangers and fill the world with smiles. She is also excited if others take the time to do the same for her in the future (we just sent out our first 5 cards!).


Not sure I started out with a goal, however, it has been a challenge of mine to try and compose a nicely written card both in penmanship and content. How to be entertaining - impactful - compassionate in such a short space, I am aware that I am only occasionally successful in this so far. I must admit though that I look forward to receiving and reading my cards and the days my mailbox is empty - I am sad.
Have an excellent day :sun_with_face:

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Well, I just started at the end of 2023, but I’d like to someday be in the thousands sent club. I wish I would have known about Postcrossing a lot sooner. I also would like to send to and recieve from lesser known countries and really remote locations. I wonder if there are any Postcrossers in Anarctica? I know that is a continent, not a country though.

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You can order yourself a postcard from the Post Office in Antarctica. It’s basically a donation for their upkeep.

They are currently taking orders for their Cmas card.


Ohh! Cool! I will look it up.

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That will probably happen in a few years, but that is a long way to go. When I started, I thought that will take forever. Now I am at more than 7000 and the eternity is still not here.

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At $1.55 international postage and $0.68 domestic, plus, of course, supplies, that is a lot of money. It will only get higher each year or so. I will just do what I can, I suppose. It is very interesting and enjoyable though. I’m not in any hurry.

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Postcrossing is not cheap and in many countries the postage is skyrocketing while the service gets worse. In Germany we are still lucky, but the postage can be raised on January 1st.

I sent and received letters/postcards when I was young and so was delighted when I came across post crossing. All the years of using email then text messages was not something I enjoyed (except perhaps in the beginning when it was still a novelty.) My “goal” therefore is simply to get back to a hobby I found so enjoyable as a young person.


I just reached 1000 sent and received. While this was never a goal of mine, it’s amazing to be at this number. Originally when I started participating again in 2019, I simply thought it would be a fun way to share my postcard collection and find new homes for all of them. Five years later, I have more cards than ever :sweat_smile:
I have a new goal, not sure if it’s achievable, to have a whole page of my sent cards be just to Germany. I have the repeated countries option on, so I do send a lot of cards there already, but on rare occasions I still draw other countries, so it hasn’t happened yet.


Need florida? Pm me

My goal is to send 1 post card a day. If anyone would like a postcard please pm me

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