What's your Postcrossing goal?

Hi. I am sending custom postcards with tracking number


My goal is to learn new things about a country and already got one from the ƅland islands, didnā€™t know they excist :rofl:


To meet new people and learn about the world. :slight_smile:


I have condensed my Postcrossing goal into 3 Cā€™s.

1. Connecting - I like to talk to new people and learn about their way of life/country, etc. Postcrossing allows me a great way to connect with a variety of people (I donā€™t really enjoy physical traveling, Lol). I have found some wonderful penpals and postcard pals here :slight_smile:

2. Creativity - I am not a very creative person, but decorating cards with stickers/washi and trying to create fancy envelopes gives me a chance to practice my creativity. It is a lot easier and less time taking than trying to draw or paint.

3. Collecting - As a child, I used to collect newpaper clips about comics and sports in my scrapbook. But, with time I got busy and lost the hobby. Here, I can enjoy collecting postcards/stamps of various topics I enjoy like football, chess, space, and movies.


Am I the only one with the background goal (hope? wish?) of pulling the profile of one of my ā€˜real-worldā€™ penpals?


I donā€™t usually have Postcrossing ā€œgoalsā€ because in my job, a ā€œgoalā€ is something you can do things to achieve, and a dream is something mostly out of your control. (I have a dream of visiting another galaxy, but that technology wonā€™t exist in my lifetime. I have a goal of visiting Niagara Falls this fall, so Iā€™m setting money aside, researching hotels, etc)

Having said that, since I know the following:

  1. Iā€™m going to Germany in May.
  2. Iā€™ll switch to Travel Mode.
  3. Deutsche Post sends to Russia and Belarus.
    USPS doesā€™t accept mail to Russia or Belarus.
    Iā€™ve received many beautiful cards from Russia and Belarus since USPS stopped accepting mail to those countries.

I canā€™t affect which addresses Postcrossing gives me, but since Iā€™ve stopped sending official cards and plan to take plenty of US postcards with me. Iā€™m hoping that Iā€™ll get lots of addresses in Russia and Belarus, and my goal is to be able to fulfill their wishes with cards from the US and surprise them since they usually donā€™t get cards from Americans. (Luckily, my airline had a sense of humor and offered me an upgrade both ways on the short flight inside the US for $50 to First Class which increases my luggage allowance from 1 x 50 pound suitcase to 2 x 75 pound suitcases.)


I donā€™t have a goal. I just send and recieve postcards because I like it. :slight_smile:


My real Postcrossing goal is to get to a point where I can pull an official address whenever I feel like it! (12 slots and yet itā€™s been 6 days since one became availableā€¦:grimacing:)


My goal ? Beautify the heart of as many people as possible with my postcards.

In ā€œreal lifeā€, I live like a hermit, so I donā€™t have much social interaction (and that is perfect) but so, I donā€™t have much opportunity to make peopleā€™s lives better.
Thanks to Postcrossing, I can try to illuminate a personā€™s life for a few moments thanks to a simple postcard or words written behind it.
When the message Hurray reveals to me that I have reached my goal, my ā€œmissionā€ is accomplished!

Some Hurray messages are for me like a treasure that I keep preciously. :innocent:

For the collection, my goal is to collect postcards of churches/chapels from as many places as possible around the world


My goal is to use (not collect, but send) every stamp available on Posti at least once. A related goal is to send at least one of each stamp available to my penpal. But I need to restart that counting because I got lost. :smiling_face_with_tear:


same as some others, not really a goal but to get as many countries as possible :slight_smile:

also id like to turn on my account to get due cards for a special occasion in the future :blush:


Connecting with people, making life long true friends, sending postcards so that if I canā€™t travel my words will, and possibly collect cute postcards :smiling_face::heart:


Iā€™ve set myself a task of trying to collect all the US states in 2024, Iā€™ve still got a way to go but Iā€™m getting there. Iā€™m also sending cards to those states too. Maybe next task will be to collect all provinces and territories of Canada.



I would like to learn new things whether itā€™s about the person or place or just anything random. My favorite part is the writing on the back.


My goal is to bring a smile to people around the globe via their mail boxes.


My purpose in Postcrossing is to give and receive gratification by sending beautiful post-cards, combined with a handsomely written text and embelished with colorful stamps.
The ā€œfixā€ I get when opening my mailbox and finding a pack af newly arrived cards, after they have crossed half the globe, is just addictive.

And perhaps my never-to-be fulfilled dream in Post-crossing, is once to receive a card written calligraphically with a fountain pent, like in the old days, in the way that more or less is difficult to be repeaded nowadaysā€¦

Something like this, which was sent 100+ years ago


Itā€™s funny that you call this a never-to-be fulfilled dream, Fotis, because my penmanship looks just like this (based on Spencerian with elements borrowed from 19th/20th century calligraphy). I can use a lightfast fountain pen ink to write to you if you want to display it under environment light.


Initially, I joined postcrossing as I already have a goal to collect a postcard from every country. Was so happy to receive my first postcard mailed from Portugal that arrived at Penang Island, Malaysia.

Later it was increased to 10 postcards and to 20 postcards from every country, as well as of every state or prefecture of some countries. Then Unesco World Heritage sites (there are 1,199 workdwide), postcards stamped with Lunar Animals (Year of Dragon 2024, etc) and different themes ranging from helicopters, puppets, underwater views to volcano peaks.

So I have roomful of postcards. I have scanned both the front view of each postcard received.and postmarked stamp to share them online to thank my senders, for swapping purpose, to encourage others to collect too or just to bring a smile for viewers.

I like buying postcards and visiting local post offices and getting nice stamps and postal cancellations when I travel to send postcards to myself and others.

I also just enjoy any postcard that I received from far or near - someone took the effort to get a postcard, stamped it and wrote my address and message and that it got safely delivered to my door step - it is like a journey.

A long post for my postcrossing adventure.


I send postcards as a hobby, I meet new people through what they write to me. By the way, maybe someone will have the pleasure of receiving a nice card. May joy be with you. :v::people_hugging::sunny:

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I can second that Lindaā€™s handwriting is always a pleasure to receive and read :smile:

I use fountain pens too but donā€™t do calligraphy :face_with_peeking_eye: at least my handwriting is legible!