What's your Postcrossing goal?

Please tell me that I am not the only one that is hoping to collect all the states, DC and Puerto Rico. It might seem a little weird, but it’s a goal of mine.

What is a goal of yours?


sending cards and receiving cards


Connecting with people, learning about people of different cultures


I have no goal per se.

Just enjoying myself sending out cards that hopefully bring the receivers joy, and receiving cards that hopefully bring me joy!


It’s not a specific goal as such, but I’d love to get a card from every country and major territory around the world (and to send to them too). But mostly I look forward to enjoying the Postcrossing experience.


I just love getting mail and I smile when I get home and see cards awaiting me :slight_smile:


My “goal” is to spread and get joy.
I’m not interested to get a complete collection of a special postcard series or some like that.
I definitely prefer to connect with people and interact with them, learn about their culture ect.


When I send a card my goal is to make the recipient smile.


To send joy and love out into the world


It is about sending out smiles but I don’t see any harm in having preferences too . Storage is an issue that costs so why not collect something that interests you when possible. To me that is better than throwing them out.


I don’t have a goal, I rather have dreams, like receiving certain cards on specific topics, if I ever get a card with that, I would be extremely content.
But since it is only a probability, I just enjoy the process in between )))


Well, it is not a goal, but I am waiting for the day when I can send a card to an address / street I’ve already been to, as I like to travel :slight_smile:


Sharing a window into my life by writing something on a small piece of sturdy paper that somehow makes it all the way across the world to someone else. Getting the same thing from someone else.


Good luck reaching your goal elbee! If you need Maryland, let me know!

My goal is just to send and receive happy mail!


My goal is to collect 100 postcards from people who are not from the same country as me.Fill up this storage book.


Postcrossing goal ?

For me, during 12 years of membership on Postcrossing, I already received so many cards and postal mails that made me happy. So, in the sense of receiving itself, my Postcrossing goal is nearly completed.

My next Postcrossing goal would be to communicate, to interact with members worldwide as much as possible on the forum in English and to see how much we can understand each other.

Sometimes it can be quite a challenge as it is not that we agree on everything all the time, but definitely I am learning everyday on Postcrossing :slight_smile:


My “goal” is to receive a card from every country/territory, but I am definitely not eager enough, lack ideas of how to go about it and don’t have attractive enough offers for such exchanges. :wink:

I try to send out snailmail the recipient will love, that makes me happy. I also :heart: to receive cards I find beautiful!

I also have a Postcrossing (or “cards” in general) related dream: since I believe in reincarnation, I often think of what I might feel, if, one day in a future life, I come across a card I have written in this life. On a flea market maybe, in my granny’s attic or suchlike. It should provoke some special feelings in me! :smiley:

That’s why: the cards I write are my legacy! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I don’t have a goal for Postcrossing. After all, it’s about connecting, not collecting.
If you really want to get cards from certain areas, you might try some direct swaps.


Can’t say I have a real goal per sé, because I’m not really interested in the collecting aspect so much. One thing I have always thought would be neat would be to be on the top senders list for my country. But unless I move to a much more rare country it will never happen.


I don’t have a specific goal.
I do have one “collection cards” but I don’t really feel the need to complete them. If it’s incomplete, then so be it. For me, collections are a constantly open door to future possibilities.

Basically I just want simple and nice communications with the world, explore the world through postcards, learn other cultures, spread happiness and get happiness in return. Knowing that a postcard may be on its way to my mailbox, or a card I’m sending may soon reach a faraway place, gives me something to look forward to. Just that alone is enough for me.