What's your Postcrossing goal?

Having fun :slight_smile:


Enjoy life.


Sharing more love through Snailmailing and feeling other people good with positivity i added on card with message and nice stamps/selection of card


We have ā€œinformed deliveryā€ so I get to see an email showing me what Iā€™m getting in the morning and have anticipation all day!!! I love it!!!


Exploring new places, meeting new people and learning new things.


I agree with a lot of what people have already stated. The ā€œnumbersā€ are fun, but the number that I really aim for is NO DELETED CARDS! :boom:


My goal is currently to reach 400 sent cards to unlock another slot. I am going to a rare country later this year so I want to be able to send as many cards as possible!

Other that that I just enjoy the process without any goals in mindā€¦ It is like a lottery waiting for what profile I get. I enjoy getting to know the person and finding the perfect card for them, writing something interestingā€¦ And then it is of course the surprise of what I will find in my mailbox! I find it all so exciting!


What a fun goal! Iā€™m looking forward to going to a rare country at some point and doing the same :slight_smile:


Cool, it is fun using travel mode in a rare country, I am lucky to live near the Isle of man, number 93 by sent postcards and can not wait to return.


That is awesome! You are lucky to live nearby one :smiley: Happy Postcrossing!


May I send you a message with my address and we can swap, if you want. I only have two type of postcards, but would love to swap with you.


That happened to me! A card to Runeberginkatu in Porvoo, Finland. My brother lives not far awayā€¦ I was very excited!


That is incredibly cool! :tada:


My main goal is what I call, ā€œConnections without Commitmentsā€. I love that each time I do an exchange of cards in the Forum, and get/send an official card, that I am learning just a little bit about one new person or place. I find that very fun and exciting.

I also had the ā€œall 50 statesā€ goal, and I used the Forum Swaps to meet that. I had 22 states I needed and when I posted a thread for that, I had all 50 within 3 monthsā€¦ Check!

Now I have an idea that Iā€™d like to get to 1000 postcards for official sent/received. It will take me some time, though, because I still just get cards from international locations outside my own country. I am thinking I will add my own country when I get to 500.


I did that when I went to New Zealand. I stopped sending cards about 6 weeks before going, though, so that all my slots would be freed up. (I only had 12 at the time)
I ended up sending 12 from there, plus another dozen to folks I had met at a Meet-up, who had pre-arranged the exchange. It was really fun. And I love scrolling down my ā€œSentā€ list and seeing the "NZ-"s on my list of IDs.
Hope you have fun!


To make a connection with a person through a postcard, either sent or received. Recently I was given an address in a very small town in the US that my momā€™s family had lived in since the early 1800s! That was exciting to me, and that formed the text of my message.


To get post cards from every country and spread joy around the world with my small notes.


I did that before going to Egyptā€¦
But it was not a good idea, only one postcard reached its destination, and none of those I should have received reached me :cry: I was supposed to receive 10 postcards, which is a lot for me as I received only 95 postcards so far.

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My only goal is to bring joy to someone in the world.


That makes me very sad for you, @Aguaroble. I feel keenly disappointed when a card is expired or deleted. I have heard of at least 3 countries now where people (from those countries) said it was difficult to be a Postcrosser because the Post was so unreliable - and that in turn may account for the low number of PCers in those countries - vicious cycle.
New Zealand has a very efficient postal system, which helped make Travel Mode a happy experience there. Iā€™m sorry your experience was so different, and that you lost so many cards - but thank you so much for making that effort to share a little happiness!

(PS - PM me if youā€™d like me to send you one of those cards I brought back from NZ; it wouldnā€™t be coming from that country, but if youā€™d like it in your collection, Iā€™ll be happy to send it your way!)

Maybe the folks on this thread can band together and have a goal of "making up your 10 sad lost cards? (9 to goā€¦if anyone else would like toā€¦?)