What's your postcard-writing "ritual"?

(I hope this topic doesnā€™t exist yet)
I was just wondering how long it takes from the time you ā€œdrawā€ a person to the time the letter is completely written, with the stamp stuck on? Because personally, I take over an hour, and I thought that might be too long and I might be boring the person reading my card with my sentences (even though they are always personalized sentences).
Could you please reassure me (or not :grin:) ?

Maybe this thread will give you the idea


Is this a competition, Iā€™m faster than you. To be honest I can not say, sometimes I write in Russian and you have to know Iā€™m not good in Russian, than I feel it takes ages until Iā€™m finished.

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I donā€™t take anywhere near that amount of time (maybe 20 minutes or so). But I am writing in my native language (English) and you are not. If I had to write in another language, I am sure it would take much longer!

if you are enjoying spending that amount of time carefully choosing and constructing your card, it shouldnā€™t matter how long you spend. Many people will enjoy the thoughtfulness you put into it. And for those who do not, that is their problem, not yours. The idea of Postcrossing is to share across the miles. You are sharing - thatā€™s what itā€™s all about!

Welcome to Postcrossing, by the way. May it be a lovely gift to you for as long as you wish.

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Thank you for these kind words! Thatā€™s true that it is rare to have the opportunity to write in my native languageā€¦ But as soon as my postcards are not too boring for those who receive it, thatā€™s good :blush:


I just wanted to link to another topic with the same thema, but @Bille was too fast :wink:

@Aguaroble this topic below migjt be interesting for you, too. :slight_smile:

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@Jarana Yes I was too fast. I thought that we had already talked about that but than saw the Topic that @yudi mentioned.
I think the best Idea is to merge all 3 topics.


Thanks @Bille for moving the topic to the right place!
I hadnā€™t seen this thread, so Iā€™ll respond on the ā€œritualā€ question
Iā€™ve already set myself the goal of only writing on certain days (which are multiples of certain numbers like 4 and 5, but it would take too long to explain)
As the mailman comes at 7 am to empty the mailbox, I get up at 5 am, and I request an address. I read the presentation, I do some research on the municipality/region of the person to see if there are any links with Kaunas (city where I am now), then I choose my postcard and the stamps. I make a draft in French, then I translate the draft into English, making sure itā€™s about 1000 characters, because I canā€™t write small enough to write more. Then I take a picture of the card (front and back, in case it gets lost, so that I can send the recipient the card they should have received). And I go out to mail the card. And when I look at the time, I see that it took me much longer than I thought.
But since the day is just beginning, itā€™s not a problem :blush:


itā€™s your hobby. you can spend as long on it as you want. most people will appreciate your long message.
i spend a lot of time on writing cards myself. mostly on the picking out the card and decorating it. i wouldnā€™t set a goal on when to write though. wouldnā€™t it be more fun to just take out your cards whenever you feel like it?

1000 characters? :scream: if i write in my tiniest i might be able to squeeze in 130.


I write 1000 characters but after that I donā€™t have enough place to put any decoration :blush:
But itā€™s always very nice to receive decorated postcards. I did not receive any postcard from the Netherlands yet, but it seems that there are a lot of people who are passionate about postcards/Postrossing come from the Netherlands, and thatā€™s very nice.

I agree completely, but because of the cost of stamps, I have to set limits for myself, otherwise I will be ruined quickly :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


My writing ritualā€¦

Well, first of all I turn on a radio play or music. Then I draw all the address Iā€™m either able to draw or able to manage in the given time I have on that day. It can be 5 addresses or all 69 I can draw so far.
Then I start with the first profile and read it carefully. Sometimes immediately a certain cards comes to my mind. If possible I browse the collection of the person to avoid duplicates (but just if there arenā€™t 10,000s of albums). After that I upload the picture. Then I re-read the profile if this person likes decoration or not or if itā€™s - for some reasons - better so send in envelope.
I always start with decorating the card. Then address and stamp(s). As part of the text I always start with the ID. Either I use ID stickers (e. g. from Papersisters) or I write by hand in a different colour. Meanwhile I found out what pen will be the best (I prefer fountain pens but sometimes the surface isnā€™t suitable for them) and I choose it. Then I start to write the text. What I write it depends on what is written on the profile, if we have matching interests or if there are any questions and so on.
Then I go on to the next address. After finishing all of the cards I check if I havenā€™t forgotten a stamp or - worse - the address (this has never happened in all of the years, but, who knows?).

How long does it take? It depends. From the first step (reading the profile for the first time) to the last (finish writing the last greetings) 15-20 minutes. If I draw an empty profile from a newbie or a fully written and interesting profile from an old-fashioned postcrosser. And of course if I write in my native language or not.


It was wonderful to get your letter behind the postcard. I wish you could afford yourself the time :slight_smile: :sunflower: Really process of gathering thoughts may take even few days :upside_down_face: before postcard is ready for putting things together and sending away.


Wash my hands.

Open spotify.

Arrange my stickers and washi tape all togetherā€¦

Take out my stampsā€¦

Click recepient profile look upon their fav themeā€¦

Select any card that related to the preferenceā€¦


Wallahā€¦ After doneā€¦ Ask myself to go out and post itā€¦

Theraphy for me to get out from my mancave ahhahahaahā€¦ :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


I have a sort of ā€œpostcard cornerā€ next to my desk. I have one large box containing postcards sorted by subject: my town / province / country, other countries, artwork, funny, and miscellaneous. There are also some cases containing (1) postage stamps, (2) stickers, and (3) washi tapes. Finally, I also have a drawer devoted to rubber stamps with various designs, along with some coloured Archival Ink inkpads, and some pens ā€“ mostly extra-fine Sharpies.

I often request several Postcrossing addresses at once, since I like to write multiple cards at the same time.

I use a spreadsheet to record the card number, date of assignment, date I actually sent the card (hopefully not too far apart!), and the date on which it was registered. I filter on the final column so that I can see at a glance which cards are still travelling ā€“ or need to be written :wink: It helps me keep on top of any that are still outstanding.

Then I read the profile carefully to learn about the individualā€™s interests. If possible, I also look at their wall to get a sense of their favourites. If they say their favourites are cards that they want to receive, I filter those to ā€œCanadaā€ to see if I have any of them. Sometimes I do! In any case, the card-choosing comes next. If I canā€™t match something they definitely want, I try at least to find something similar. Itā€™s a good feeling when I find something that I think the recipient will really enjoy.

Then I put the address and postage stamp(s) on the card. I also use a cute rubber stamp with a blank area for the Postcrossing ID, as this is a visually appealing way to draw the eye to that information. If the card has a lot of space, I may add some small stickers and/or washi tape for more visual interest. Finally, I write my message in what space remains ā€“ or rather, I print it, since I know lots of people have problems reading cursive script. If the individual asks for something specific, Iā€™ll write about that. Otherwise, I write about the postcard itself (why I chose it), or anything else that comes to mind. Then I photograph the front of the card, crop it to be site-ready, and upload it so the recipient doesnā€™t have to worry about doing it from their end.

Finally, I take the cards to the post office and pop them into the slot with a profound sense of satisfaction!


It depends, but most of the time itā€™s this:

Looking at the basic facts, who is she or he and what does s/he wants as a postcard.

Then I check what the personā€™s favourites are and what s/he has got or sent so far.

Looking for the right card to send (this could take days sometimes).

Choosing stamps, washi tapes, stickers.

Writing the card, ID number first.

Decorating. Making a drawing of my little fox or wolf as a trademark (sent via savage mail) :wink:

Scanning the card, uploading the picture (not always, but most of the times)

Then giving it to my husband to put it into the mailbox somewhere on his way to work.

  1. Preparing the table for writing the cards
    I clean out the kitchen table or the coffee table, bring the stamp folder, sticker box and pens with me.

  2. Taking the addresses, one at a time or all at once.

  3. Reading the profiles and choosing the cards, first a brief glance and all of them, then more in depth reading. After reading one profile, I go choose the cards from the 7 small boxes of cards.

  4. Choosing stamps and writing addresses
    Depends on the lenght of the address, what country and what type of stamps I choose, which order I do it.

  5. Adding washitape, the ID and the date
    I usually do this before writing the card.

  6. Writing the card
    According to the personā€™s wishes, profile and personality, and how Iā€™m feeling at the moment!

  7. Adding stickers, and more washitape if needed!

  8. Scanning the cards
    I always scan my cards, for myself, and for the receiver!

  9. Taking pictures of the text sides
    I always take pictures of the cardsā€™ text sides! Itā€™s great to come back to them and read them again, especially if the receiver says they liked the stamps or answered some of my questions!

  10. Mailing cards, I try to do this so they leave the same day, but that isnā€™t very realistic as the mail leaves at 5PM. So I often just walk to the close by postbox and they leave the next day. Unless itā€™s the weekend.


I add my return address, air mail sticker if I have any, a sticker with my country code and some stickers/washi tape I have. I normally do about 10 of those at a time. Then whenever I get an address I just check their profile and pick one that I feel fits their profile and personality. I put the stamp/s on. I write the address in a black sharpie first and then the reference number. Then I use another pen to write the day date, temperature and season and my message. Sometimes I add a Merry Christmas sticker like the last month and now. If I see their bday is in the near future I add a birthday sticker instead. I write after I eat dinner and when Im watching tv. then I check everything is correct. I check again if I had another received so I can send 2 out and take a photo of it and upload. Then I pop it in my bag for the next day I go out.
Im currently waiting on like 10-12 to be received and one got lost :frowning:

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So, my ritual goes like this:
After requesting an address, I read the members profile a couple times and go through my bag of cards to find one that best suits their interests. I donā€™t have many, but I try.
The postcards that I purchase from the post office are prepaid and donā€™t require stamps. I donā€™t have any stickers and being a virgo, Iā€™m a bit of a neat freak, so I need to work my way up to stickers.
I write the address on, checking every letter to confirm itā€™s written out correctly. Followed by the ID and date.
I reread the profile to find an interest or two that the member has that I can mention amongst my message. I try to write a long message, sometimes itā€™s hard.
Then I photograph and upload the image of the postcard. I do one last check to confirm Iā€™ve done everything then itā€™s into my posting bag. I sell online, so Iā€™m at the post office every second or third day.
Thatā€™s pretty much it.


My rituals change from time to time, but the last time I sent cards it went like this:
Requesting address
Getting up to get a postcard out of the box for that userā€™s wishlist
Going back to the desk, writing the postcard, putting a stamp on it and getting back up to put it in my mail bag.
Going back to my desk and requesting another addressā€¦
and so on, until the 5th postcard where I decided to get the boxes and the mailbag to my desk so I wouldnā€™t get up that often. Hehe.
At the end I went to check my emails and put all the postcrossing messages on read.


Itā€™s funny that so many of us have a ritual; I didnā€™t think I did until I started reading this thread and realized that, yeah, I really do things in mostly the same order every time.

  1. Request address; I tend to only request one at a time, but thatā€™s mainly because I have a fairly young account, and my queue tends not to have more than one or two open slots at any given time.
  2. Read the profile and take a mental inventory of my postcards and stamps to see if I can think of anything offhand that matches up with what the recipient has requested. Failing that, I review other parts of the profile and consider other mentioned hobbies, professions, and similar.
  3. Set myself up at a little snack table in the living room; I generally write cards at night, while the family and I are watching TV or a movie.
  4. Rifle through postcard boxes and find something that I think would be pleasing.
  5. Write the date (using day/month/year if non-US, month/day/year if US :grin:).
  6. Write the message; I try to relate to shared interests, experiences, and such.
  7. Write ID number at least once.
  8. Select stamp or stamps, depending on requests and whether or not I have stamps that relate to something in the profile.
  9. Print address; I have 1.5" square labels, and sometimes have to do some by-hand layout, depending on the size of the address. As my handwriting isnā€™t the best and isnā€™t small, I prefer printing the addresses to (1) make sure itā€™s clear to the postal people, and (2) give me more room for stamps and possible embellishments.
  10. If thereā€™s space and Iā€™m inspired, find a sticker or rubber stamp image that I think would appeal or amuse.
  11. Take a picture of both sides of the card ā€“ one for uploading, one for personal records.
  12. Upload picture.
  13. Put the card in our outbox, to hopefully make its way to a mailbox or post office the following day.