What kind of postcard do you wish there were more of?

Hey everyone!

When we have moved, I want to spend more time drawing and I’m doubting about maybe making some postcards with my own designs. :email:

Since there are already many beautiful designs, I was curious… are there any themes/topics that you don’t see many cards of? What kind of cards do you have difficulty with to find? :slight_smile:

Enjoy your wednesday! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The Christmas Lady


In India, the lost for postcards is lost. Naturally postcards are very very very hard to find and the variety is zero to none.
I have to mostly buy postcards from Amazon or from the very limited options offered by 3-4 sellers online. The chances of finding anything offline is 1% (yes sadly)
So I wish there was more view postcards on my city, my state, and the various aspects and elements of my state and culture, along with the diverse Indian culture, and view postcards of all the states and famous cities, tourist attraction, falls beaches, ghats, hills, mountains, scenery of various places infact at least one from all the cities and towns and the variety of animals and birds of India. But this is something that needs to be worked upon by the sellers.


I personally love all cute things so yes teddy bears, shaped postcards, cute animals, postcard themes, scenery of your country or from your travel, multi view postcards of your city and country, monuments of your city and country, various food and items famous in your country, various things that are just unique to your country and city. Women doing various work, or just looking pretty as they are, children, or just men and women together in an idyllic setting, Victorian Age stuff? I love those.
Delicious desserts, vehicles.


I’d like to see more postcard with Carousels, (retro)Circus, and Crystals/Geodes etc.
I would love to see your artwork. :heart:


Thanks for the topic! I just bookmarked this so I can think about it and come back to it with ideas.


Well in that case I will dedicate some cards to Indian culture as soon as I find the time to get started on my designs. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Any suggestions about Indian culture or its well known artifacts/buildings/monuments/traditions are welcome! Maybe name 5 of the most wellknown ones?

One small thing though: I can draw almost anything except humans :laughing: :sweat_smile:


Ohhh that’s a good idea, I love crystals and geodes! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Right now I mostly draw animals though, but I can work on other things. I would love to show you my artwork, but not sure how to do that (yet) in the forum. :slight_smile:
Also: are you a hobby horses (from the photo on your profile)? I have made a few before and love the sport! :horse:


You’re welcome, I’m looking forward to seeing your suggestions! :heart:

Ok I found out how to post some examples of my work here :slight_smile:
As I said: mostly animals and right now I have focussed mostly on clipart, but I will add backgrounds here and there when I do postcards. :heart:


Aww that is so kind of you :hugs::smiling_face::heart:

As per illustrations you can select random elements of a thing and make a collage kind of an art

For example theme is : postal stationery so you draw : postcards wax seals pen marker stamps etc
Winter : Snowman scarves snow sweater mugs
As such.

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GOLDEN RETRIEVERS :face_holding_back_tears::heart::sparkles:
That’s something :heart::face_holding_back_tears:


That’s a good idea, I can definitely do that! :slight_smile:

I love the wolf!

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Thank you! That’s a pretty detailed one indeed! :wolf:

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I PX with my daughter and she’s a big fan of hobby horsing. She has made a couple herself and she’s done some (local) competitions. I’ve never seen a hobby horse postcard so that’s another option :smile:

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I think it’s an awesome idea to make a hobby horse postcard! :heart:


Adorable opossums :heart_eyes:

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:+1:t5: **:ballot_box_with_check: **

@The_Christmas_Lady :Any illustrated, non-view post card is a luxury here, so even a casual stroke of brush or pencil is welcome

Thanks for sharing.
Have a good eve coming up :+1:t5:


Where do you get viewcards? None anywhere. :sob::broken_heart: I get nothing related to Kolkata or WB all is dedicated to South India :sob::broken_heart:

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Thank you for sharing - I have never heard of this, thought it was a joke at first :slight_smile: Sounds like something I would have been interested as a kid. I watched clip about the championship in Finland.