What is your favorite postcard box?

@Acacia1030 that first and last picture, which boxes do they come from?


I think we’re overdue a roundup of postcard boxes and sets on the blog (last one was in 2017 already!), so I know where I’ll be coming to get ideas of boxes to recommend… :heart_eyes:


I would agree with this. While I don’t have a specific preference for a type of postcard, it makes more sense to me that people send postcards that somewhat reflect where they are sending that postcard from. I’m honestly flummoxed when people send me postcards depicting San Francisco when I’m the one living there, not them.


I think that would be a great idea! Hopefully you’ll get some entries including box sets printed in non-US countries as well–especially since most of the ones I see on sale are printed by US companies.

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Sure! I do’t usually pay much attention as to where the postcards are printed, but if you have some tips, please do share!

Recently I recieved exactly the same card from the Botanicum postcard box twice. One from the US and one from Finland. The front sides are the same but the back sides are different. One is labeled in English, the other in Finnish. So it seems that they adapt the boxes to the market where they are supposed to be sold.


My favorite postcard boxes:

  • New Yorker
  • Any Marvel and DC Comics box

Some weeks ago I received beautiful card from Saturday Evening Post box. This is now my new favorite :heart_eyes:

Btw I found that Pantone 100 postcard is really boring. It only shows the colors without any picture or motif :frowning:
Not my taste.


I’m a fan of design, so I kind of like the Pantone box… but I’ve definitely heard the comment that they’re boring a few times already as well. I guess they’re not universally liked :slight_smile:


@yudi I have seen Pantone cards where the sender drew art on the color portion and made them much more interesting cards. Here’s one art project like that:


Wow… Interesting

Okay, I would love to receive a card like that.

The most popular postcard box in the Postcard Set, Box, Book, Calendar RR is the Harry Potter box.


So everyone can buy it for themselves - saves the trouble of sending them!
Which just goes to illustrate my point further back in this thread…
I live in the UK, but can’t send a unique Harry Potter card even though it’s British - any Harry Potter fan has probably bought the box set for themselves already!
It is the same with the British Flower Fairies by Cicely Mary Barker - it’s not unique any more…


I guess most Postcrossers prefer their cards written + stamped. So it doesn’t help a lot to buy the set to keep the postcards.


I have been inspired by all the lovely boxes and I’ve bought one too. However very much like @kijjy somehow I feel strange if they’re not related somehow to where I live so I got one that was New York themed, from a local museum.

I also now have an entire list of boxes for future purchases, thank you all for sharing such great boxes :joy:


If I was a Harry Potter fan, I would buy the box set for myself and one to send…!
My collection has all types; blank, written to myself, written to others and given to me.
But everyone approaches Postcrossing in a different way, and a lot of the fun is finding a card to fit their wishes and bring a smile to their face, and a nice message. :grinning:
Sometimes, I feel I just get the next postcard in the box, and so I spend most of my time in the Round Robins.

Currently waiting for this set from the Bodleian Library in Oxford to arrive. It’s about an hour from where I live so feels nice to give something a bit local. Hopefully people will like them!

If anyone would like to trade one of the specific letters let me know!


Yes, I love the New York ones, but I would never buy a box to send! I would hope to receive one from at least an American - if not a New Yorker! :grinning:
I’m a born and bred Londoner, and have bought London ones to send.
I’m glad I’m not the only one thinking like this!

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For view cards… count me in. I would never buy a box set showing another country. I have some single foreign view cards (from my travels), but hardly ever send them. But I don’t mind for generic illustrations, movies etc.