What inspired your Postcrossing username?

Mine Bakersmom is after my little Australian Shephard, Baker. He is named that because I started Baking when he was a puppy and now bake every week - mostly celebration and wedding cakes.


Hello ! mine is from a Videogame ( Kingdom hearts) i just changed the i for a y so kairi became Kairy
It’s my username since i started to use computer in college. I was full in love with a friend of my brother.
He was a good friend (still now ! ) but never loved me :-/ - Finaly not a bad thing , but in college i was so sad ! xD

His username was Sora. In video game Sora and Kairi was always together. So … Here my username ! :smiley:

Isn’t she lovely ?


You’re name sound so fancy, I love it :ribbon:
Honestly mine comes from my fascination with the Fae wild and because my favorite fruit is Strawberries. So I figure why not combined them all together and make something cute and easy to remember.

Thank you for sharing :smiley:


Mine comes from the main female character in the “Thorgal” comic series (I I have loved this series since childhood). :heart_eyes:

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This is the international part of the forums, so please write in English. You may write Russian in the Russian language section of the forum.

My nickname on Instagram is Bitter, so I wanted that word In my account name here. And sometimes in Finland the winter might be bitterly cold :snowflake:


Hi @Natallia_Ivanovna! May I ask you to translate your post to English please? This way everyone can understand you. You can write in other languages than English in Language & Geographical Communities and Meetups. But in the rest of the forum, the posts have to be in English, as medbringes in the forum guidelines.

I use Ms. Frizzle as my profile/avatar whenever I can. It’s also my email address (and my Minecraft user name :smiling_face:). For those not familiar, Ms. Valerie Frizzle is the teacher in the book/TV series The Magic School Bus.

I love the Frizz’s enthusiasm for learning. I homeschooled my youngest two children (both graduate from college this weekend :hugs:). I embraced Ms. Frizzle as our school mascot, including the motto “Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!” I am also a librarian and passionate about connecting people to resources.

Here is a Magic School bus inspired peeps diorama I made a few years back - enjoy!


Not a really exciting but here is mine short story.

A good friend called me this once and it kinda stuck. Was in the middle of a conversation about Harry Potter, of all things :sweat_smile:
She is a huge fan, I’m not and as a joke she said it and well here I am. Nope… still not a fan :upside_down_face:


Years ago I was starting my blog, and came up with “The Adventuring Heidi.” I also changed my instagram handle to the same shortly afterward. Just made sense to stick with it! I’m Heidi, I like adventures! :slight_smile:



MA stands for my elder son
SA stands for my younger son
LA stands for my wife
This is my mail ID also

ptk is short form for my home town



Actually a lot of thoughts went into it :sweat_smile:

A person who does BulletJournaling (BuJo-ist)


A-nkie Bujo-ist

-Ist = Indian Standard Time (my country)


A for Ankie - my official nickname :sweat_smile:
B for Babu - my parents call me so and I call my furchild too :smiling_face::heart:
U for Ulleaon - my formal nickname by my papa :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: my first word too :laughing:
J for JessieJames - my uncles & aunts named me after a thriller show it seems :laughing:
O for Onkita - how people pronounce my name :roll_eyes:

IST - also stands for Is of Shikhu & Tapa (my parents’ nicknames)

Meaning A Bullet Journal of Shikhu and Tapa which all only/single child are of their parents :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::sweat_smile::laughing::joy:



I named myself after my cat. Not very interesting haha.


I’m obsessed with Brazilian Portuguese and capybaras so my nickname was meant to be ‘sunny capybara’, though it looks more like ‘sun capybara’ because I wasn’t so good at the language right then, lol

And sun is because my other nickname is sunflower (my favorite flower)


“Ikigai” is a Japanese word that means “reason for being” or “reason to live.” It’s about finding joy and purpose in everyday life. For me, Postcrossing is a part of my ikigai because it brings me happiness to connect with people around the world, share beautiful postcards, and learn about different cultures. It gives me a sense of fulfillment and excitement each time I send or receive a postcard.


Bookbud is because I :heart: to :open_book: and enjoy bud :herb::triumph::face_in_clouds: (but not at the same time)

I originally had the name IO (back in ‘06 or ‘07) which was short for Information Overload (in reference to the internet)


L2Y are my initials (LLY) in algebra shorthand (L squared Y)


My user name, PCBlue is from how I used to sign off on poetry that I would write. It started as “Peace and Blue Skies”, then just ended up being PC Blue. My favorite color is blue, and in Colorado, USA, we have spectacular sunrise and sunsets so I love the sky and clouds. Peace and Blue Skies!


That is awesome. I just learned about this term a couple of weeks ago, and to see it again is nice. I will have to learn more about it!

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Green flowers are very happily unusual chrysanthemums and they make Autumn more beautiful.

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