What inspired your avatar?

So many avatars, all different. What inspired yours - and have you ever changed it?

Mine is a clock, because when I joined my entire life seemed to be dominated by clocks and what is the time.


My avatar shows the skyline of Frankfurt am Main, where I live. I took that photo myself from my balcony (using a good zoom objective on a DSLR camera).


My avatar shows myself. I just changed it quite recently (with the release of the new forum). My daughter @Tali made this drawing herself and I love it a lot :slight_smile:

Before I had a photo of the Bremen Town Musicians as Bremen is my home town and I also use them as my personal rubber stamp design.


My avatar shows my photo in front of DreamWorks Kung Fu Panda Kitchen in a shopping mall in Malaysia taken by my close friend. I picked it just because my friend just sent the photo to my whatsapp few days before I created my PC account.


My avatar shows the cathedral of Aachen. Aachen is where I live and the cathedral is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. I took the photo myself.

Edit: Now it shows a cup of very delicious ice cream. Unfortunately we do not have cathedrals of ice cream here.


I don’t know really. :smile: I was bored, I guess, and got an idea to arrange one of my plush hedgehogs (I have two) like he’d be reading A Dance with Dragons. :hedgehog: I found the photo so cute it became my avatar.


Uh I don’t think I was ever asked this, I am very proud of my avatar. It’s an accidental photo and I think it looks gorgeous :joy:
It’s the Hong Kong skyline. I just moved my phone and accidentally pressed the photo button, and this happened!

This was in 2016 around the same time when I joined Postcrossing. I took most of my photos on camera and was only using a smartphone for the first time (since I was travelling for a few weeks and it seemed useful to have something more advanced than the classic old Nokia), which was second hand and not that good with photos, so I was only taking some memorable ones on it for quick sharing. And this one!


In my avatar I’m with my cat. I was very lucky to get a photo like that because he really didn’t like people to touch him and my camera in 2008 wasn’t the best one… I have taken the photo myself and then just cropped a bit. Eventhough the avatar is so old, I don’t want to change it, because I really like it and my cat passed away in 2013 when he was 15 years old.


@SailingBy Do you still feel the same? About clocks I mean.
@Cassiopheia your daughter is really talented that’s so cool!
@nnniiina rip your handsome cat :cry:

Everyone’s reasons were interesting to read about.

Mine is a picture a friend sent me saying it was me.
Cerberus as a puppy guarding the gates of heck :joy:
It’s my profile picture everywhere now, I just think it’s cute and from a good memory


Not so much, my life has changed in the last year, but I kept the clock for various reasons.


I’m glad! Whenever I see that kind of clock I think about the alarm clock that rolls away from you so you have to get up to turn it off? Hah

This frog is my own work
I printed this with golden ink.

I exhibited it in the sales event that collects only frog goods

Unbelievable thing was none of the card sold!
So I have many card now
And at least I love him


Mine is a picture of me by the sea in Split, Croatia. Hopefully we’ll get to travel again soon!


it looks cool!

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My avatar is a crop of a wonderful picture by artist & musician Chris Taylor.

Music lets the light in :heart_decoration: :musical_score: :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:

His website:


My current photo shows two mushrooms I saw when I walked in the forest this autumn.

I change my avatar quite often sometimes. Other times I keep the same avatar for a long time.


My Avatar shows myself :see_no_evil:
It’s a snapshot from this summer. My boyfriend and I had stayed outside the flat and I’d loved the place where we had sit. It was the time at the end of the first lockdown here in Germany but the weather was so warm that we could not stayed inside because of that we have a loft and the isolation of it is very poor. :confused:
But I think, I will change mine in a few days :slight_smile:


I teach math face to face in a pandemic - this is my current work attire … (I also like it doesn’t show my whole face.)


Mine shows a flame tree near my house. I love flowering flame trees.