What do you think about images created by the neural network? Poll in Post #82

Recently, i have become very interested in neural networks and images that it creates. And it’s really amazing. I even thought about printing such postcards and send it or possibly selling it. But i wonder what people think about these pictures. 'Cause many people like creativity of real people, not program. Of course it’s just code, template set, machine doesn’t put sense into it, like artists, but a lot of pictures is really wonderful.

And, despite the fact that i like the works of the neural network, i’m afraid that someone may be scared away when he finds out that a person didn’t work on this work. Although some of the work really can’t be said that they were made by the program xd.

In general, i really have doubts about how others will react to this. So the most important question for me is: are the drawings of the neural network on postcards a highlight or something that scares everyone away?

P.S. I’ll attach some wonderful images that i managed to get with a neural network


These pictures are really wonderful.

I wouldn’t mind receiving a postcard with one of your motives on it, as long as you don’t pretend to have painted it yourself. :wink:


As an artist, I do not like neural networks or “A.I” artwork. None of it is created randomly or originally, as it takes pieces of artwork and photographs by real people and mashes them into something new. The program steals artwork from our community, and seeing how popular it’s become is devastating.


There is a saying: „Art lies in in eye of the beholder.“ I think, they look beautiful! :blush::tulip:


Here is an article about how A.I art is bad for the art community and those who make their living off of selling artwork.
Does AI art harm artists? - Indiana Daily Student (idsnews.com)


For now, it is still art theft. Also i don’t respect those who use it at any way.


I tried one of the neural network programs as an experiment and asked it to produce a picture that included cats, sunsets and lighthouses. (Themes that are popular among Postcrossers). I thought the result was a little bizarre. (Note the sunset and the woman’s “hands.”)



Yes, one thing about A.I art is it is terrible at creating hands and feet! There’s been a few articles about it. It has that “uncanny valley” effect.
AI Drawing Hands Issue: Why AI Art Tools Can’t Create Hands? - Dataconomy


I’ve often heard that even artists (of the human variety) also have trouble drawing hands.


Hands are very hard to draw, LOL. If humans can’t draw it, I’m not surprised A.I can’t either!


To me the pictures you show in your first posting look artificial, not artful. I would not like them very much.


In the second image, you can see how the artificial intelligence tries to imitate the artists’ signature…


As far as I know it’s not so clear that the use, especially commercial, of pictures created by AI is allowed.
It might be different in different countries.
And this means who is using them (professionally) has to check all involved laws of all possibly involved countries - or to take the risk of not doing so. There are rights of the original artists if their work is used without authorization, there is the right of the programmers/owners of the AI used, for example.

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I actually don’t like AI created postcards, because there’s always something a bit unnerving about them. Kind of like ”uncanny valley”.


The problem is that AI uses an aggregation of the works of many (thousands, millions?) artists to produce its “art.” It would probably be hard to prove that any specific artist’s work was used in one of AI’s “creations.” It would probably also be hard to definitively prove that a particular work was even generated by AI in the first place. (Though I suppose the developers of the AI programs might have copies of all the images that their programs generated). I imagine an artist could generate a picture that looks just like an AI generated image, if he or she so desired.


Exactly this. Sometimes when you create A.I. art, you may see an artist’s name in one of the tags/hashtags under it, but there are countless artists who the sites take data from. I draw cartoon cats from a children’s book series, “Warrior Cats,” and wouldn’t be surprised if you could find aspects of my artwork in some searches since most of my work is posted publically! They don’t ask any individual artists for their consent in this, and it’s really a shame that it’s becoming more popular and people are selling/reproducing the work as their own.


Oh, in fact, some neural networks give you the rights to the created works (mostly if you buy a subscription).
And an ordinary artist, i think, can face plagiarism in the ordinary world. 'Cause there are a lot of cases when people’s works are somewhat similar to each other. I really don’t know, but it seems to me that there are a lot of such scandals even without AI, 'cause there will always be conflicts due to plagiarism.

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I would not like to receive it because of my ethical concerns (already well stated by @toadallycool ).


Yes - they give you rights if you purchase them, but whose rights are being stripped away in return? The original artists have had their work stolen by the site. They aren’t making a profit from it; for many, the artwork is their only livelihood. Plagiarism in art is a bit common, but it is often settled, or the original artist has allowed references to their artwork. Plagiarism is taken VERY seriously in our community. Besides, people can accidentally draw the same thing. A.I art, on the other hand, steals aspects from artwork rather than creating it organically.


But the neural network takes pictures from the public domain, like any person. And absolutely any work is inspired by someone and idea is taken from somewhere. Also, AI creates something of its own by learning from others. I think that work of real artists hasn’t become less in demand. If you want emotions, feelings and really high-quality work, then you will go to a real person.