What are your standard issue for letters/postcards?

What do you include in your letters/postcards every time you write?

For me, an airmail sticker, interesting stamps (unless the recipient prefers me to keep it simple), and a wax seal (or a sticker to seal the flap if I’m mailing with a courier bag/plastic padded envelope)

I would love to wax seal postcards too but most of my seals are at least 25mm, which takes up too much space on a small postcard.

Standard issue on postcards for me is a simple stamp (unless recipient prefers a variety), an airmail sticker. Sometimes I include other small stickers too.

How about you? Responses welcome


Mostly “Thank you, Postman” stickers and themed ones (autumn, New Year’s Eve).

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This is my checklist:

  • Address
  • Message
  • Stamp
  • Airmail label
  • Date
  • Place
  • Temperature
  • Postcard ID (for Officials) or My ID (for Swaps)

Mine is similar :slightly_smiling_face:

  • washi tape
  • stamp and priority sticker
  • decorative stickers
  • ID (or info about the RR / swap), date, weather
  • message
  • address
  • photo for the wall

Fun topic!

Unless the postcrosser requests otherwise, I usually include 3 nice stamps, a washi tape border and a small sticker or two that reflects their interests so they know I read their profile.

I also love to write long and, hopefully, interesting messages. I usually take up too much space with all of that to fit the weather or anything else!

my list, from start to finish:

  • theme matching washi tape - unless otherwise requested to omit
  • theme-matching sticker decorations - unless otherwise requested to omit
  • postcrossing id or rr / tag information
  • date
  • temperature (both °c & °f)
  • small weather drawing/icon
  • stamp(s) - i try to coordinate this best i can by colour / theme or by request
  • address
  • message
  • signed by hand or with a rubber stamp - depends on how much room i have left :sweat_smile:
  • photo for wall
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  • stamp(s) - I try to meet the recipients’ preference though the preference usually aims at postcards. Because I don’t have too many varieties of postcards, I want to please them with stamps.
  • address
  • date
  • temperature (only °c since I am not good at converting)
  • small weather drawing/icon
  • message
  • optional stickers or washi tape, if they are mentioned in the profile
  • postcrossing id or rr / tag information, though I sometimes forget to write the ID…:slightly_frowning_face:
  • the name of the country in Chinese under the address - It could help to speed up the process of mailing and, and writing it in the end also makes me double check if I forgot the ID. It’s just like a closing of my writing process.

So this is how I do it:

:arrow_forward: reading the profile
:arrow_forward: searching for the right card
:arrow_forward: decorating (unless the user does not want any decoration) the card with washi tape (either theme matching or season matching tape)
:arrow_forward: stamps - I try to use matching stamps various stamps if the recipient also likes stamps
:arrow_forward: address - either handwritten or with address label
:arrow_forward: ID (RR, TAG…), date, sometimes weather informations
:arrow_forward: reading the profile again if there’s something I can connect with
:arrow_forward: message
:arrow_forward: signing by hand and with my nick rubber stamp
:arrow_forward: if there’s still space I use other rubber stamps or stickers
:arrow_forward: uploading the pic for the postcard wall
:arrow_forward: putting in the mailbox the same or latest the next day

I got new stickers (my profile pic) and a small wax seal of my initial, so I will probably be starting to include these on postcards


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What is RR? Ahh Round robin and I guess TAG is userid of postcrossing. this game