What Animal Postcards Have you received? What countries are they from?

Hello everyone, this is my first time using this website and I am very interested in the postcards about animals that you receive during the postcard exchange process. You can share the postcards you receive about animals and have a great chat! And my speech was done using machine translation. If there are any inaccuracies, please point them out and understand



Kittens from USA, Dog from Czech Republic


Ouh… I remember I got some animals cards recently. Postcards from DE with meerkat, from US with Panda, and from AT with polar bear. They’re so lovely, even though they are not from that country, they’re not even from that continents :laughing:. I kinda curious why they don’t have cards with animals originating from their country.

Non of them uploaded yet. Maybe I will show it if I already upload it. :blush:

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I have sent these:



I have received…

A panda, from Austria :austria:

Two squirrels from Germany :de:

Elephants from Russia :ru: Taiwan :taiwan: & Germany :de:

A bunny on a bicycle from Germany :de:

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Cats from Russia :ru: The Netherlands :netherlands: & Germany :de:

Llamas/Alpacas from Germany :de: & Poland :poland:

A jackalope from the US :us:


A little mole from Germany :de:

And rabbits from all over the world! :earth_americas:


My favorite one, cause it’s so funny

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I did notexpect so many people to participate in this topic! What a surprise! The animals on the postcards you shared are so cute! I like them :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


These rabbits are so cute! Each one is very lively and adorable :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I did notexpect so many people to participate in this topic! What a surprise! The animals on the postcards you shared are so cute! I like them :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart:

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that is true!

This little dog is so adorable, and I am also curious about what breed of dog it is :kissing_cat: :heart:

It is a bulldog puppy. Thats what in the card stands :wink:

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The cat postcards you received are all very interesting and cute. I love them!

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Many animal postcards! The first hamster is so cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Looking forward to your presentation :smiling_face:

These two dogs are really funny, which makes me laugh :laughing:

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