What Animal Postcards Have you received? What countries are they from?

Wow what a gorgeous collection! Many cute bunny rabbits. :slight_smile:

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Cool! I love puppies,If you have more postcards of puppies don't be shy to share them! :star_struck: :heart_eyes_cat:

How Lovely!(≧∇≦)ノ

Sadly i am a new postcrossers and dont have much. That was m First andnonky Card so far😉 but I have some Baby animal cards for Sendung ready

Oh! , I wish you receive cute animal postcards from all over the world! :earth_americas:I am also a newcomer. If you are willing in the future, I can send you a postcard of pandas from China :panda_face:【But so far, I haven’t sent my postcard because I don’t have time :crying_cat_face:

I have been very lucky to receive so many beautiful bunny cards :rabbit: x


I receive bears, they are my favorites!!!

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Finally… I done uploaded the images of my received cards.
Here it is…


The jackalope is great
I’m glad that jackalope postcards exist in the world :smile:

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I have received many, including many cats and kittens and many different types if birds. Here are some of my favorites :slight_smile:

Jellyfish from Japan with matching jellyfish stamp! Jellyfish are my favorite animals 🪼

A capercaillie card. My grandpa and I were watching a documentary that included these funky little grouse and then I found this in my postcards this week.

And finally this rad nautilus maxi from Australia. I’ve had it on my wall for years. I just think it’s so neat.


I’ve received many (and also sent some), can’t show them all here.
And if you want to see more cards with animals, maybe you would enjoy my favorites-wall.
So here are a few of my received animal cards: