Welcome to the Forum!

Hola! Soy nueva en esta comunidad. Vivo en el país de Chile, en la ciudad de Vallenar
Me gustan los libros, el cine y la música.
Me encantaría conocer gente nueva y charlar sobre sus hobbies.


Hello everyone - I’m pretty new, and an having a lot of fun exploring the site. The initial postcards I sent are just starting to arrive and it’s really exciting! There’s a lot of information to digest here, but you all seem so kind and friendly! I’m glad I signed up, and look forward to chatting more in the forums.


There is nothing more purr-fect than meow-zin’ over to the Forum and discovering @nannyf @BlueElectric @MissFortuna @belen78 and @LyrasHope are here! No kitten. This is the cats paw-jamas. PostCrossinging fur-ends are fur-ever!!


Thanks so much!! Everyone here has been very kind so far.

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Hello everyone! My name is Angela, and I’m from New York City. I’m pretty new to Postcrossing and I hope to receive and send postcards to you lovely people all over the world!


Hello everyone! I’m Ell and just joined postcrossing. I’m so excited for my first postcards that I sent out a week ago to arrive ( somewhat impatiently) and am having fun exploring around the forum and learning from others! Excited to learn more about this awesome community - already it is so heartwarming :heart:


Welcome to Postcrossing, @oceanaturem !

I can quite well remember my first postcards on Postcrossing. Preserve that feeling, for it is very special. :heart: :postcard:

Enjoy your Postcrossing journey and just ask whenever you need any help/advice. :slight_smile:


Helloooo @PuckforPresident and @oceanaturem,

SO glad you are here :hugs:


Hello again after about 2 years. As you know, a situation arose in Iran. During the protests, I was not in a good mental and physical condition, the cost of sending postcards tripled and I lost my job. All this made me unable to send the cards. Some time ago I decided to prepare all the cards and send them because it was a heavy responsibility on my shoulders. I am still sending. Iran post is slower than ever. If you’ve swapped with me in the past two years and haven’t received your card, wait. It will be in your mailbox in a few days. I apologize to all of you.

Have you swapped with me in the last two years?


Welcome back!
Some years ago somebody wrote me that the international postage for cards from Iran was like 6 US$ and already that was insanely high!
I hope you are getting well!


Hello everyone)
Relatively new here. My name is Elvina and I love creativity: paintings, embroidery, photos
It will be nice to meet you here


Приветствую @crossmeister👋

Did you notice the gorgeous Postcrossing MeetUp postcard that @RNK embroidered for her MeetUp happening on July 30th in Kirov, Russia?

Hello @Nique
you, this is very interesting, but unfortunately I do not live in Kirov and will not be able to go there, but now I have an idea to create such a postcard about my region/

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I like it as well 卡皮巴拉! :grin:


Hello all! I live in Leeds, England and am a very new Postcrosser.
I much prefer writing back and forth, like with Penpals, rather than one off, postcard-collection-based interactions - but this is nice, too. I love picture stamps (commemorative) and rarely use royal definitives, simply to keep things interesting.
I’m a vocal music teacher for students of varied ages from 4 upwards, and a music writer. This is my second career and I hope to have one or two more.
I enjoy writing, doodling, leisurely walks and travel. My favourite cities include Florence, Stockholm, Mumbai, Brussels and Munich. I love dogs and have grown very fond of cats lately. :heart:
If there’s a meetup anywhere near me, it would be interesting to know more. :slightly_smiling_face:
Have a great day, everyone!


Hello Ramaa @letterlass :wave:

We are SO GLAD you are here‼️

If you search Meetups then scroll down to United Kingdom, I am sure you will find a Postcrossing Meetup you can attend.

So many interesting people you will meet​:girl::man_red_haired::person_tipping_hand::man_bowing::man_artist::person_in_tuxedo:t3::person_juggling:

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OK,I’m Zhou Ruopeng,and living Changsha City in China,A freshman for the postcard game.


I am Sönke, and I just recently discovered postcrossing.
I come from the north western part of germany.

2 week ago, we visited the Klimahaus in Bremerhaven, a museum that features a virtual tour around the globe along 8° East and 172° West with stops in Germany, Switzerland, Italy (Sardinia), Niger, Cameroon, Antarctica, Samoa, Tokelau and Alaska.

Some years ago, it was possible, to buy postcards there, write them and put them in one of several mailboxes Sardinia, Niger, Cameroon, Samoa and Alaska, I think. The cards would then be shipped to that location, where they would sent officially, so that you receive a postcard with stamp from that country.

Since our kids are 6 and 4, they like to receive real mail, and unfortunately, the postcards in the Klimahaus were no longer available, I looked for another opportunity, to receive mail from all over the world.

Our 6 year old son has a large map of the world on the wall of his room. So we look forward to mark the locations, from where we receive cards, and also mark the locations where we send our cards.

Okay, maybe a bit long for an introduction :innocent: Sorry for that.


Hello, i’m Floriane. I"m a teacher in a Ulis class, I have 12 students who are between 6 and 12 years old and who have a disability. This year I’m working with them on trips around the world. I would like them to receive postcards from all over the world.


Welcome to the forum @classeulis!
You can create your own page inviting members to send cards. Explain what kind of cards would be interesting for your students, age, etc.
Be sure to read the Postcrossing guidelines; e.g., that you don’t post a private address; rather, as interested Postcrossers to send you a private message.
Here’s an example from @britt-any in Australia who reached out for cards for her students.