Welcome to the Forum!

Hi everyone!

My name is Jill and I live in Philly. I have returned to Postcrossing after a hiatus of a few years. My favorite part of Postcrossing is the anticipation of finding out where my next postcard will go. I love picking out the perfect card for someone based on their interests and wish lists.

A bit more about me: I am going back to school to become a social studies teacher. I enjoy hiking, swimming, yoga, camping, cooking and traveling. Can’t wait to make more connections :cat:


Hi everyone!

I hope you guys are well and stay safe in these unusual times!

My name is Lena, I’m from the northern part of Germany and I turned 33 in November.
I’ve been sending cards via pc since 2012 and still enjoy it a lot (with the occasional break when life gets to hectic).

Now that the Forum is all new and shiny, I thought I’d look for a snail mail penpal here and check out what everyone has been up to. (will post in the appropriate thread, promise)

A little about me:

Anyway, I like letters, drawing, sewing, cooking, reading, swimming, hiking and biking. Spending time with my partner and family and drinking coffee. or tea. but mostly coffee :-D.

Wishing you all well and always: HAPPY POSTCROSSING!!!


Hi, I’m new here! I’m Sara, 30 years old, and I live in Norway. I set a goal to send a postcard every month in 2020, and I pretty much did (on average anyway) - but I’d love to send even more next year and I figured a site like this would be a great way to do it! And this seems like a very friendly place so I’m excited :slight_smile:


Welcome, Sara, yes, this is a nice place to write a lot of cards to send abroad, particularly to Russia and Germany - and to spend a lot of money for stationery and postage … :slightly_smiling_face:


Hello there! My name is Mira and I’m located in Finland. I’m new here. I’m searching a slower pace way to communicate with the world in these times of social media and Postcrossing came to my mind as one of the options. I’m looking forward to settle down for a while, with a postcard in my hands and studying it without any haste. I hope I’m able to send cards which bring the moment of calm to you, wherever you are. :slight_smile:


Hi everyone!
My name is Melanie and I live in Germany.
I’ve been Postcrossing for more than 15 years now but I often paused for years. Now I am back in buissnes :upside_down_face: and so happy and looking forward to writing many postcards.

Happy postcrossing!


Hi everyone,

I’m Minna. I live in the Netherlands but am originally from Finland.
My hobbies are kickboxing and jogging and I also like to travel a lot.


Hello, my name is Guillermo Villa and I love Photography! I live and I’m from Mexico. I’m producing, at the moment, Touristic Postcards from the historic and beautiful city of Aguascalientes.
Soon, I will share my collection. Cheers!

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You are Postcrosser for 15 years now, but you sent 0 cards? How comes?

Hi everyone!

My name is Victoria and I’m from Moscow. I’ve registered here not long ago. Really excited about Postcrossing…) (have already sent three postcards!!)

I’d love to exchange even more postcards so…)) don’t hesitate to send me one…!


Hello everyone! I’m Xiao Ming from China. I’m a high school student who stays up all day. It’s a good pastime to send postcards to different people in my boring study life. I like drawing, reading and collecting some interesting things. I’m glad to meet you.


My name is Jean-Baptiste, I live in France! I have been practicing postcrossing since 2018! Passionate about nature, animals, photography, postcards and stamps! :slight_smile:

I wish you a nice day!


My username on the old forum was Kasab,
later it was mtts.
And finaly it was HMKM

Now I added the flag representing KM to my username. I know this is not correct use of flag alphabet.

Q. Where could I ask if someone has seen flag alphabet postcards.

Hi all!
I started postcrossing over a year ago, but I haven’t been on the forum much. Just once I think. My name is Eija and I live about 30 km from our capital Helsinki.
I love to write cards (obviously!), letters and receive both. I love beautiful stamps and nice stickers too. I’m also an avid reader, I always have a book to read in the evening. Then I like to knit and sew, but not daily. :wink: And mostly I love walking in the beautiful nature of Finland!
Great to be here!


Hello everyone!
Greetings from Moscow! My name is Natasha. I started postcrossing in September 2020. It’s been a tough year for me and so I began making small changes in my life, like doing things that are not exactly necessary - volunteer work, postcrossing and so on, just little steps in strange, totally random directions - and it helped. Therefore I am grateful for this small hobby, for its amazing community and for all the postcards I have received and sent so far. I enjoy sending postcards to people. And the thought that there are postcrosses even in Antarctica is somehow more soothing to me than the thought of the vaccine. Being a part of it all definitely makes me happier. Love to all of you!


This is Richard from the North of England. Unfortunately no mail is leaving our country at the moment due to the new strain of Covid-19 that’s been discovered here.
Apologies to anyone I’m writing to. Your card will be delayed.

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Welcome to the Postcrossing Forum Community, @einkeri @Waxwingshadow, @stoatonstilts and all other new faces!

Hopefully you enjoy this friendly community a lot.

Wow, I hadn’t heard about that in the news. I am aware of very strict travel restrictions, though. Well, logical: No traveling, no mail can go into the planes :frowning: o meanwhile enjoy the digital communication about mail and postcards here!


Hi everyone,
I’m Alison, a Canadian who lives in Portugal now (and is also officially a Portuguese citizen as of 5 years ago). I probably won’t write or visit this forum too much as I do a great deal of my work online and I joined Postcrossing to have some interactions with people via actual physical mail. But it is nice to say hello as I never know when I might bump into an old friend or a new about-to-become a friend. I work with artisanal, small-scale fishing communities in the Azores Islands, Portugal. I am working on a photo narrative book with them right now - it should be finished next year. As part of the project, we also made postcards with a selection of photos from the book, so these are the ones that I am sending. If you are interested, you can find pdf copies of the postcards as well as more information about the project on https://nineislands.wordpress.com

I was very happy to find Posstcrossing because I believe that postcards and other post activity such as MailArt are terrific, but undervalued and almost forgotten ways to interact with other people.


Hello Truenorth_49,
A few days ago, I was listening to CBC Radio on the internet from the Winnipeg station! I don’t normally tune into that station, usually I listen to Toronto, my former much missed home city. It was very nice as I have friends in Manitoba and I was reminded of the very windy, very cold weather you have there. Cheers from a fellow Canadian, Alison


Hello everyone! My name is Samantha, I’m 24, brazilian and graduated in Journalism. I’m a SEO Analyst and in love with everything related to marketing, nature and traveling! Hope we can get in touch!