Weirdest wish

I don’t find a request for red hair odd, but I have a lot of Disney cards and immediately went for one of Merida from Brave when I got that request <3. It can be fun to search out the unusual requests. I have my cards stored in categories in a 3 drawer bureau and can usually find something quickly. I even have a category for oddball cards. Haha


I have unabashedly favorited all of these. :rofl:

Just imagine the confusion of new Postcrossers when they see multiple profiles with updated wish lists requesting postcards of “Swedes arranged in fun situations.”

Thank you so much for sharing these. :blush:


Especially when there are so few Swedish Postcrossers! Like I would imagine some “Germans in fun situations” card series become a trend simply because so many German Postcrossers, but Sweden? Nope.

I have the great joy to announce that later today, “the most ugliest card I have ever seen” was finally registered: SE-186939! Yeah, it was from that series.

Also, that lady with moose is now the most clicked link I have ever posted on this forum. Not sure if that is good or bad thing.


Truly a masterpiece; 10/10 stars. :trophy:


I once got a profile of someone who wanted to receive…feet! And oddly I have some cards with feet :joy:


As she should be, she is art :star_struck:
What is this man wearing? In the latest registered card?
Is he waiting to tan? :thinking:

What! Haha! This is interesting to me. Shoes yes, but feet as in bare feet?

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Yes, bare male feet. Here you are. It’s a Hungarian ad card, I took it years ago during a tourism fair.


I sent this card once. I held onto it for years and years before finding someone to send it to. I kind of miss this card!


I collect cards of cemeteries. I also love taking photos on cemeteries, which is not that easy as it maybe sounds. I avoid doing that when people are around as I do not want to disturb them. So it’s easier to get cards with this topic. And - I also do not have the possibility to visit all interesting cemeteries around the world. :heart:

Also the topic with “medical anomalies / abnormalities” ist really really interesting (I worked in the medical section for about 20 years :wink: ). Unfortunately there are very few cards about that, at most “just” antique illustrations. :bulb:

I know at least three persons collecting toilet cards, but have seen some more profiles with that wish. :wc:

I think I also drew the profile of that person who wants to receive exact the same card he / she hast already received from someone else. At least I saw that profile. But this is very easy to fulfil in my opinion. It happens to me with almost every second profile that I could fulfil a wish but then I see exactly that card under “received”… :smirk: and also the second card…and the third…

Also “postcard related to international law and court scene.” sounds absolutely interesting for me and not really weird (I’m also interested in law).

And - I am also one of those who likes to receive a cut-out piece of cardboard boxes. But is this really weird? Because I think every fourth or fifth profile I draw is wishing exactly that. :sweat_smile:

I cannot remember any wish I found really really weird. The weirdest thing I’ve ever read was:

“I like cards with cats (domestic or wild cats), bunnies, flowers …etc.” and then “Never ever send me a card with cats, I don’t like them. Also no other animal card please!”

:eyes: Uhm…what? :flushed: I sent a flower card and asked the person about that thing but as the card never arrived I don’t know what has happened.


This reminds me about one profile, many years ago when I was first time Postcrosser, which said “please, do not write ‘their country’s name’ on the card”. I was rather confused about that because how else the card would find home if the country is not written on it? Even asked about that, but I didn’t really understand the answer either, so I let that be a mystery.


You could join the Weird round robin. I’m sure you could find a home for it there.

Good idea, but I don’t like round robins, and I want the card to be on my wall so I can see it even after sending. I can wait for the right profile. They will show up one day and I have lots of patience :slight_smile:


O my goodness. For a quick sec I thought you ment actuall red hair (as in from your own head) wow. I should sleep :joy:


I like both cemeteries and medical history. Everyone is different. The world/universe is vast!

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Some of the weirdest wishes I’ve seen are dictators and diseases.


At the old forum there were even tags for “toilet postcards” and also “cemetery postcards” so I think those are pretty common interests :grinning:
As for myself I like receiving weird postcards, it’s not written on my wishlist but sometimes I get interesting surprises :wink:


The weirdest cards I’ve sent are those showing a used toothbrush and Q-tip (see below).

@truenorth_49 I’m still waiting for someone to send this card to. :sweat_smile:


Off topic, but: this could have been taken at my workplace, (esp. if you change the tape from yellow-black to red/white). Seems like CoVid-parc triggered similar reactions in similar places. (Don’t get the text, though)

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I need to add prisons on my list.


I put your description on my wishlist and now got this funny handmade:

I love it! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: