Unpopular opinion: Am I the only one that dislikes world postcard day?

I just want that WPD badge under my profile picture :grin:. Something I noticed when I first signed up.


I’m not a big fan of WPD, but I don’t mind it much either. I find the enthusiasm of some members kind of heartwarming and I wouldn’t want to take their fun away. At the same time I do hope that I won’t receive too many WPD cards, as this just is not something I generally find particularly interesting. And I already received one card for WPD 2022 - three weeks before the day! And the sender started sending them out as far back as August 24. :open_mouth: It’s their own design so I assume they were just excited to use the cards and couldn’t wait, but I found it way too soon. But at least it’s probably going to be the only one with this design that I’ll receive. :wink:

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I don’t want to start an argument, but to me a card like the wpd card is very “generic”… But then I think anything that is not linked to a place is. Obviously, different tastes so I understand where you’re coming from.

As for stating we don’t want such cards, yes, that’s an option. But I’d much rather be inactive instead. I don’t like to state things like that on my profile (with the exception of a phobia) and it might really take the fun out from the sender, when I don’t even hate the card. Also some people will not care or will not have other cards at hand.
For Christmas, I used to say not to send me Christmas things but I always still got a few so I started just going inactive for a month or so. But that’s different as I hate Christmas a lot more than wpd.

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@jeffbh So sad, and I’d just ordered cards. Let me know if your heart can be mended by receiving one.


I like the idea and would be thrilled if I received a card that someone took the trouble to have printed to send out just one day a year!


It doesn’t mean anything to me, but I understand how others could be excited about it.

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Wonderful topic Mark. I have intentionally avoided participating in world postcard day not because I don’t appreciate the efforts but because it seems a little bit too obligatory. Yet I still receive them from people. I’m not one to go out of my way to earn badges or to fluff up my profile as many of you can tell. Your on to something and I agree that there are too many “world days” that are being celebrated.

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Agreed. It’s another ‘collection’ of sorts like a lot of people collect certain themes of cards. I don’t especially care about it but if I have a slot open on that day, I’ll probably try to send a card and mention it. I got the badge last year, just happened to have slots open on the right day.

I sent a card last year because I usually draw one address on the 1st of every month. I will probably do the same this year. If the card gets registered and I get a badge, great. If not, well so be it. I’ll regret the card not being registered but not the badge missing.

I also don’t have any special cards, as I’m not planning to send more than 1 - and the person will get something according to their profile. My friends and relatives already got cards from my vacation trips :wink:


In 2020 my daughter had been doing Postcrossing with me for about a month when WPD rolled around. We didn’t know anything about it until the badge showed up on our profiles as we both just happened to request addresses Oct 1. Last year she was excited to send on that day again, and this year she asked to get some special cards (they are not the official design) so we plan to send some out if we can get addresses and I’ll probably do a lottery on the forum. It’s now a fun thing to do with my kid, but I don’t feel obligated or pressured to participate :blush:


Good point, it’s quite exciting for children I think. That puts a whole different spin on it for me. It’s a new perspective I didn’t have, as I do not have my children myself. I think I would like this as well, if I was a kid. This might actually make me decide to not go on travel/inactive mode. I do not know how many children do postcross, but I can imagine this is really exciting when you’re young.

It’s messages like yours, that make me realize how important it can be to exchange perspectives and have some dialogue.


You should send them! A lot of people won’t mind, and those that really do not want them will go on inactive or travel mode. You shouldn’t be discouraged or feel like it was a waste. There’s people that like the cards, also you can give them a real personal touch, by writing something nice on the back. Don’t be disheartened, don’t throw them out! There’s also people here that said they didnt’ receive any, and are sad that they didn’t. Those that really don’t want them will just go inactive or in travel mode, so it’s 100% safe to send them. :slight_smile:


Tastes are different, there are some who don’t like them, but also lot people who like these cards.

For example, I didn’t like the official 2020 design, but I like the 2022 one. But I just ordered a small amount of WPD cards, some will also go to friends and family.

For me WPD is about the spirit of writing cards, I don’t mind if I get mutiples of the same design, the message will always be different.

So I enjoy WPD and have fun on that day, but it is totally ok not to parcipate.


Again, with some people saying they’re eager to get WPD-themed cards, and others saying they keenly don’t want them… I hope you all will consider noting that on your profiles!!

As I was charmed by this year’s design, I bought some (first time ever). It would just be so saddening to learn afterwards that the recipient didn’t want theirs. I’d rather hold onto mine for people who do, even if that means keeping some back for another year.


Your bidding is my command, master!
All jokes aside, I have put it on my profile, it might be for the best.

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Please remember you are reading a topic where people dislike this day.
Same as you were to go christmas-dislikers thread, it probably would seem everyone dislikes christmas cards.

I bought some of this year WPD cards, but will swap them, some are left over, I will send these to members, if they fit to their profile and/or if I feel like sending it.

And as always, you are allowed to send what you want. :hugs: Even members who collect series or topic, often like other cards too, I don’t think they would be here otherwise. It is much easier to swap on ig for example, if one is only after the series card.


You can ask the admins not to display the supporter badge on your profile.

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Well, I have to say I actually love these days. Not the national days, but the international days. I like Postcrossing because when I receive a postcard about something I am not familiar with, I do my research on the Internet, and I feel so satisfied to learn something thanks to someone in another corner of the world.
Same for international days. They all have their own meaning, they were all created by people who were proud of creating it.
This brings to light topics that I might not have thought of.
For example, today is the 20th edition of the World Suicide Prevention Day, initiated by http://www.iasp.info/. Well, I think it’s really good that there is this event, so that we realize that this is not a taboo subject. According to what I read, there is a suicide attempt every 3 seconds, which means one million suicides every year, one million lives lost… That’s more than all the people killed by wars and natural disasters. And let’s not forget all the families which are impacted… The aim of this day is to make the general public aware of the extent of the problem and to inform them of the preventive actions available to them.
And thanks to this day, I learnt about it, and I wrote about it on his forum.
Today was also the World First Aid Day. The general objective is to increase the understanding of the crucial role of first aid both in everyday life and in emergency situations. In many cases of cardiac accidents, the heart continues to beat, but the cardiac contractions are ineffective and the heart can no longer perform its function as a blood pump. A simple intervention can save the life of the people concerned, with the help of a defibrillator, as there are many installed in public places, town halls, sports facilities, etc… So it is necessary to know how to use it!

So of course, World Postcard Day isn’t about saving people’s life as the two previous I mentioned. But I am sure that if I had known about this day a few years ago, it would have led me to do some research, and probably to know about Postcrossing much earlier… and I’m sure that this year, lots of people like me will guarantee this great community thanks to this day!

So to sum up: No, I don’t think World Postcard Day is useless And I like it :blush: (even if I won’t send any postcard that day, because le the badge, but that’s another story)

So, sorry for this too long answer, and I wish you in advance a happy grandparent day ! (it’s tomorrow, and I know that there are some grandparents here :blush: And we are all the grandson/granddaughter of someone, aren’t we :smile:)


Last year, on the WPD I switch my profile to active; and for the previous 3 months, I still sent many cards.
As result, that month I received 92 postcards, 11 WPD related (7 with the official design), but I also received more “cheaper” cards than usual.

If your Sent/Received ratio is balanced you might not even receive a card sent on WPD.
But you can put yourself inactive to try to avoid receiving cards sent on WPD.

P.S - I will be doing the same this year, but I might send fewer cards.

It makes sense when it’s the special day and people send to get the badge etc. Some might be tempted to just go mass sending. When I send cards, I do it when I have time to sit down, read some profiles, pick some cards. Print some labels… Take my time to write them, chose some stamps. When I send 10 cards, it takes me around 2-3 hours, because I like to take my time with it. And genuinely send something I think will make them happy. I also like to take my time writing something meaningful.

So well… I guess I couldn’t give people that quality if I was just sending out like 15 cards because of special day.