Unpopular opinion: Am I the only one that dislikes world postcard day?

Ok i get it, i didn’t get it, but i get it NOW! I still was not sure about this post card day, I was not even going to print my own card as I thought everyone would want multiples of the winners…….so appreciate seeing everyone’s opinion….

I really enjoyed ALL the replies, life would be so dull if everyone liked the same thing, what would all of us creative peeps do ?

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Perhaps people who feel strongly about it can state on their profiles if they like or do not like to receive WPD cards? That would be helpful to me, as I did buy some to send out this year. It’d be nicer all round to send them to recipients who’d enjoy them.

Newer Postcrossers might also appreciate receiving WPD cards from years past. Every so often I one that predates my time on Postcrossing, and I really appreciate it!

But in general I’m happy to see any card that celebrates any special day, especially if it’s a weird one. For example, September 19 is Talk Like a Pirate Day :pirate_flag: which for me ranks up there with Pi π Day and Groundhog Day.


That’s not strange, don’t worry. People here usually celebrate Lunar New Year’s Day, but many people (especially the younger) just regard it as a ordinary day. They spent their holiday traveling or just have fun at home alone, rather than reunion with their relatives. It’s not strange to be tired of common festivals. Though many people are celebrating, you can choose not to join in.:relaxed: By the way, maybe you can add “No more WPD official cards” and a piece of friendly explaining in your profile? So that they may send you other cards. That won’t influence the process of achieving the badge.


@Izzy2018 I got Pennsylvania cards from the same Chicago company. I really like them.

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I had copies of Postcrossing’s card printed and will be sending them to my friends, none of whom are Postcrossers, but all of them who are supportive of my love for it. I did the same the last two years, but with cards from other sources.

It’s interesting that several of my friends have started to send cards to me when they’re out of town. Postcarding can be contagious!


I like the idea of the day but I don’t want to receive any cards on the theme. For that reason I’m going to keep my account inactive on the day.

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No. You are not alone.

I am generally deeply dislike “World Days” because they are limiting our awareness of important matters for only one day. And I honestly feel there are too much “World Days” for every this and that. The matters that need our everyday attention have to “compete” with them for get the deserved portion of attention.

But last year, I really feel that World Postcard Day is really exciting and wanted to enjoy WPD by actively participating. However, after seeing this year’s theme, my excitement quickly went down. No special plans for this year.

I love looking at the various World Postcard Day postcard designs, but I really don’t like getting duplicate postcards either, so I generally don’t print and mail the postcard design that wins the first place.

Very beautiful postcards! I wouldn’t be able to throw it away!

I like that there is a day that brings awareness about postcards. People outside of Postcrossing may pay attention to it. How people want to celebrate it is up to them. Personally, I don’t have the energy to mass mail postcards for one particular event.

The first time WPD was held, I couldn’t draw any official addresses because India couldn’t participate on Postcrossing. I did, however, make a card for that day and mailed it to a friend. Last year I got the official WPD card twice, it wasn’t boring because the message was different but I also wouldn’t want to receive a lot of them in a short span.

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Thank you thank you thank you!!!

I dislike it quite a lot - sorry postcrossing creators. It’s not about receiving the same card over and over, that I don’t mind, even though I don’t particularly like it (but neither hate it). I just hate the hype and how everybody feels they have to do it and pressure themselves into it and having slots etc.
Why? Because someone decided that day is such - and what about other days?
I understand it makes people feel a sense of closeness by all doing the same thing, but I’ve always been put off about things that everybody does. Like sheep. I send postcards if I want, and when I want.

It’s the exact same way I detest Christmas (and all those made-up “hallmark days” mentioned before) and the hype around it, I am not religious so it is a day like any other for me, I’m not going to be happy or buy forced presents because someone else decided that I should.

Last year I put myself inactive on wpd but then I felt guilty because apparently there weren’t enough addresses to go around, but I only realised the next day anyway as my time zone is ahead of most. As I said, I don’t mind the card (s) that much but I didn’t want to indulge the madness.

I also hate badges. It actually put me off donating to postcrossing for a while because I didn’t want the badge (I might not have it now, might be over a year since I last did so let me put it in my to do list).

I’m actually on a little trip this year on that day and I’m deeply tempted to draw addresses the day before to avoid having that date on :joy: but that’s probably going too far.


I don’t understand this fascination, too.
I can’t remember for 2020, but I think I didn’t get a WPD-card then. But I got the 2021 official one several times. I don’t care about duplicates but to receive cards more than 3 times is some kind of boring, especially when you don’t really like the design of the card. And especially when the sender only writes Happy postcrossing and you can see after registering the card, that the sender sent the same card 20, 30, 40 oder 50 times that day obviously only because it’s WPD.
I like the idea of finding a card I think the receiver would like to have. Yes, I know, the idea of postcrossing is to send any postcard, but why not try to find a postcard that makes the receiver smile a little bit more :slight_smile:
I’m also thinking about turning my account to inactive from Sep 25 to Oct 5 or something like that to reduce the risk to receive a bunch of the same card. I don’t mind to receive it once or twice, but I don’t need 5 of the same…


Believe me: that chance is very, very small.
Pretty much like: rolling 6 dice at once 5 times in a row. And then all 5 times throw sixes.


Last year I think I didn’t get any official WPD postcard through official Postcrossing.
I probably send some on that day, but “normal” cards. I’ve made swaps for the official cards, because some like getting the same one, but from different countries :slight_smile:

What I dislike, is the “fear” of not getting the badge, and suggestions how free slots should be given, or get it with photo proof etc. Why not then give it to everyone.


@xxxyyy it would be nice if the only requirement was to just be online and active around that time, so you would get the badge. Just for being an active postcrosser. I don’t like the incentive to send as many cards as possible. It means people are holding back slots… So there’s less diversity.

In the end it’s alright, but I feel like it’s slow now… Building up to world postcrossing day, where I read… There might not be enough addresses, and then it might stabilize a bit? I feel like it derails the process a bit to much… But that’s my opinion.

I am actually also contemplating this. I might just go in travel mode. It’s not that I hate the design of the cards, it’s just I rather receive something interesting about that person’s country.

I also totally agree with this, I hate Christmas so bad… And it’s always the same shit. I remember when I was young, there always was a fight between my parents with Christmas. Because my mom becomes unreasonable with Christmas and it has to go exactly like how she wants it to go… I rather live on my own pace, do what I want to do, whenever I want to.

The worst thing with these world days are… There are so many, you don’t even know when they are. Only people in that hobby really know. So there’s so many world days, that they have lost all meaning to the general public. How many people know it was national sudoku day yesterday?

I didn’t know this! Thanks for teaching me this about the Lunar New Year’s Day, I thought that was quite a popular thing. As for your advice, I might do that. Or I’ll just go in travel mode. I have to see what it is, I want to do.

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Lunar New Year’s Day

It’s still popular, but the enthusiasm of it is not so strong now. The Spring Festival Gala Evening is no longer interesting and has became a plat of political publications. Younger people don’t like to watch censored boring programs with the theme of “Zero-COVID-19 policy” or “three children policy”. Maybe people still like festivals (and holidays). But nobody likes to be directed or forced to celebrate the festivals.

However, WPD is still not a commercial festival and you won’t be forced to celebrate it by the social custom or your relatives, so it’s a different thing in my opinion. Feel free to send cards on the exact day or not.


Hmm, maybe I should try my luck in a lottery then. Last year I had my account set to inactive, but changed it to active, after postcrossing ran out of adresses. I got the WPD card many many times. Of course it’s also about the written side, but I prefer to get more variation on the front as well. This year I’ll stay inactive no matter what.

hahaha, there are always people who are “lucky”. I hope to get that special WPD card every year, but no… so far nothing, zero.


On the first WPD I was sent 10 postcards, but none of them were WPD postcards. Last year I wasn’t due any on the day, but I did receive one WPD postcard sent on 12th October.

I’ll be interested to see what happens this year. I do wonder if the vast majority of Postcrossing members are even aware that they can get WPD postcards printed for themselves.


It is morning and I am sitting here sipping a cappuccino and you know what is an absolutely outstanding observation? You voiced your opinions, you cheered, you offered advice and you all did it in a cordial way and I saw your personalities, you are all such gooooood peeps…… I do imagine world peace, You reflect it all here every day…sipping more :coffee: