UK > Russia/Belarus mails

Things are no better here. I now have 144 cards travelling including: Belarus 15 (6 expired), China 17 (9), Russia 53 (18) and Taiwan 5 (2). 37% of my travelling cards are to Russian addresses. At this rate some time in November 100% of my cards will be to Russia! However, I will probably close my account long before then.


Not really. I still have 50% of my travelling cards going to Russia or Belarus and very little movement overall. A couple of the Russian cards are over 50 days so will expire soon. Cards to Taiwan, USA and even the one I have going to Germany are all taking a very long time.


This has just been posted in the ā€˜Are your cards reaching Russia/Belarus threadā€™ by a Russian Postcrosser. One of the cards she received was mine from a Tag, sent back in April.

Hopefully this means things are now moving again :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2: x


The same Russian postcrosser has now posted this, so hopefully some of our cards might start arriving soon :blush: x


I had a card to Russia registered today :tada: However 9/17 of my travelling cards are still travelling to Russia with an additional 2 going to Belarus - which is 65% of my cards between the two. I also have another two (one to Russia and one to Belarus) which have expired.

Iā€™ve also realised Iā€™ve never had so many expired cards before - not just to Russia / Belarus but in general. I currently have 6 cards expired and another expiring in a couple of days. Theyā€™re mostly to different countries: Russia, USA, Taiwan, Belarus, China & Malaysia. For two of them, the users havenā€™t logged on in over 3 months - one hadnā€™t been active for 1 month when I drew the address and hasnā€™t been active since, so itā€™s not looking promising.


A few of my Russian cards are trickling through, several of them had expired. I have noticed on another UK postcrosserā€™s received cards that postcards to Belarus are being registered after three months.

I was about to send second cards to addresses in Germany and USA but I have noticed they have not logged in for two or three months, so I wonā€™t be wasting stamps on them!


Thatā€™s good to know (Russia). You must be relieved.

Iā€™m also really happy that one of my expired Russian cards has just been registered after 64 days. It gives me hope that the others will get through eventually!


That gives me hope, I have postcards to Russia standing at 64,70,86,89,97,113 and 208 days so far.


My longest is 312 to Belarus. My other expired Russian card is to someone who has only sent 4 cards and received none so either they arenā€™t interested anymore or the poor person just isnā€™t getting any cards reaching her (in which case, she might understandably lose impetus for Postcrossing!).


Two of my postcards were registered in Belarus today. Amazingly, they took just 20 and 17 days. This is incredibly fast. I would have been pleased with this before the war, let alone these days.


Congratulations to those of you whose postcards are being registered in Belarus. None of mine are! However there is some news on the Russian front: 13 of my cards have been registered in Russia in the past week; however, it still leaves 40 travelling (out of a total of 132 travelling cards), including 14 expired.


Thatā€™s good to hear, fingers crossed your others get there soon. Thereā€™s a thread on the main forum where itā€™s been suggested itā€™s partly due to major staff shortages in Moscow, Iā€™m afraid I donā€™t know the details x


I appreciate the information. Thank you!!! :smiley:


I have a card to Russia that will expire in a couple days unfortunately, but I managed to have one arrive from Belarus today that only took 13 days!


Another of my expired cards has been registered in Russia today, travel time 78 days. Still no movement to Belarus, China or Taiwan. One of my expired cards to USA will be deleted tomorrow.


Hurray! I actually had a card registered in Belarus today, having travelled for 81 days. Fingers crossed for moreā€¦


Two or three more of my cards have been registered in Belarus, with a travel time of around 81 days. A couple have arrived in China and a small number in Russia.

Of my 141 travelling cards exactly one-third (47) are travelling to Russia. Too many.

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Itā€™s the same with me, 1/3, 16/46.

I have 6/19 with 2 recently expiredā€¦
I dont seem to be getting so many Russian addresses in the last fortnight though :thinking: