UK > Russia/Belarus mails

Well, looks like it was just a fluke. I had a card to Ukraine registered yesterday and waited til this morning to request a card and got Russia and no Russian-language address. I’m back to having 5 out of 12 going to Russia and 2 to Belarus.

I also pulled one in the morning recently & got Russia. I do find after 10pm in the evening works best for me, but I’m sure one day my luck will run out with that too x

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Just decided to brave it & request one anyway, as one of my cards has just reached Germany & I got Taiwan :taiwan: x


I think it’s pretty unavoidable at the moment, overall, with so many Postcrossers there and many countries not posting there. I think it would be less bothersome for me if I still had a few ‘quick’ ones scattered in there just to keep it ticking over but other than one travelling to Germany they are all slow-burners. I guess this is what Australian Postcrossers feel like all the time!


It’s very frustrating, I’ve also had problems with people not registering for weeks or even months at a time then registering in bulk, I always do my officials as soon as they arrive, ahead of any other cards to give people their slots back.

Luckily I’ve had cards move really quickly between here & Australia lately, less than two weeks, I’m not sure why? :thinking: x


Yes, it’s do as you would be done by with registering, as far as I am concerned! I sent some cards to Russia in an RR weeks and weeks ago and they only just arrived and at about the same time I received one in return, almost the same date that another person in the group received theirs in America, which is a strange thing, too. This goes reassure me that most people are probably registering my cards fairly promptly…

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My luck ran out Elisabeth! I just got Russia x

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Oh dear. I hope it doesn’t take too long to get there!

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Thank you :smiling_face: I do have 4 out of 11 heading to Russia, but the others were all requested during the day, bang goes my post 10pm theory lol x

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My one postcard I had travelling to Russia reached its recipient overnight with a journey time of 54 days :snail:

I only had one, as I only send official postcards on weekends and holidays at the moment.


10 out of 19 at present so over 50% its a shame
I just checked in 2024 so far
7% of my received cards were from Russia
12% were sent to Russia


Over the last couple of hours, 2 of my postcards travelling to Russia were registered. Hurray!! Another one is going to expire today.

I have 6 others travelling for more than 30 days and 1 travelling to Belarus. Plus a lot at less than 30 days, but I don’t even think about those ones as I can’t expect them to be anywhere close to arriving yet.


I know you’re all laughing at me, but this has gone beyond a joke. I now have 140 cards travelling, of which no less than 52 are travelling to Russia. I might as well throw £3 in the dustbin every time I get a Russian address, because they simply won’t get there. I can’t blame Postcrossing: I’m convinced it is staff at the local sorting office who object to sending mail to Russia, but this situation has got to stop. :japanese_ogre:


I’m not laughing at you - far from it. I really think you could be right about the staff at the sorting office. It must be SO frustrating. I know I said it before, and that was ages ago, but I hope it gets sorted. Really frustrating for you that it hasn’t yet. It should have been by now.


We’re definitely not laughing, I feel terrible for you, it’s such a waste of your time & money. And is there also a chance your account will get blocked from sending cards if this carries on?

I’ve sent far less cards than you, so it’s not a fair comparison, but touch wood, all of my Russian & Belarusian cards (officials & tags) have got there eventually. So I also think you might be right, it doesn’t make sense that none of yours would arrive :frowning: x


My traveling including expired list at the moment,

I’m quite surprised with the amount of expired cards, I have going to the US. Anyone else getting this?


This is my list…things seem to have ground to something of a halt and starting to feel a bit disheartened at the minute.

I also have had a couple of slots where people have one sent card and none received and I seem to have gotten their one and only inbound slot.


I’m also having a lot of trouble with France and the USA. I have four cards going to France, with one already expired.

I have 17 cards travelling to the USA, Three have expired and eight have been travelling for at least 21 days.


I had one of my USA cards registered yesterday. Unfortunately I recently drew an Belarus address. I have decided to withheld from drawing addresses until my holiday when in theory i should have another 2 slots as 2 would have expired.


May is over and we’re 8 days in to June and things have picked up. Masses of my travelling postcards have been registered. (Well, 14 so far this month.) Are things any better for others? On 31st May, 3 postcards to Russia were registered, 2 more since then and 1 to Belarus. I wonder why I regularly find May so slow?

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