Travel Mode ✈️ Destinations - Questions - Opinions

Yup … :writing_hand: :postcard: :postcrossing::rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Were you able to get both MF and SX codes?

I love this story and your commitment to getting those postcards mailed! :muscle: I would also drive across the island for some stamps!


… me too: sitting in a youth hostel lounge, writing postcards in Travel Mode. This is a travel experience that only Postcrossers will understand! :joy:


I didn’t try on the MF side, but I did get the SX with no problem.

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I am surprised that she is surprised. :rofl:


I have had my account as inactive for a while as I was travelling in May and have had lot to do.
Next weekend I will be at a meetup in Sweden, and thought I could just as well set my account in travel mode for Sweden and select the place where the meetup is taking place.
Well, selecting a country was no problem, but the field where you should start writing the place you are going to be, it was not possible to neither wrice, nor get a list of places to select from.
Does anyone have this problem now?

I am travelling later in July for two weeks and in August for three weeks as well.

Update: Problem solves, it worked now. Probably my PC having a hickup or something.

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I tried it just for fun and for me it was working normally. :thinking:

It did work now, either my PC had a hickup or someone was jealus of my travel plans this summer and wanting to use travel mode. :grin:


I also remember that St. Maarten was tricky. The Post Office was still closed after a Hurricane damaged it years before. I had only a few moments left before returning to a ship and the security guard at the damaged Post Office there said she would mail them for me at the temporary Post Office some 10 minutes away. How nice!


In Turkey last week friends kindly dragged round Marmaris with me in a heatwave looking for postcards. We eventually found 20 on a rack at the back of a shop. They had probably been there 30yrs.
I took them back to the resort and wrote in my room.
A further taxi ride into town to the post office a kind man fitted stamps into the spaces on my cards & took them from me.
One grandchild has already received so I’m hopeful for the 5 in travel mode…


I apologize if I missed an answer to this question (I looked but couldn’t find it). Does anyone know if there is a limit to how long one can remain in travel mode? I’m planning to be traveling for several months and would enjoy continuing to send cards from various locations.


You can stay in travelmode as long as you want. I would guess, it would work like inactive mode: You can send out cards, but at one point the gape between received and sent is too big, so one need to receive some postcards first before sending again.

But with your number of send cards, I think you have a high limit.


With the new maps on Postcrossing, it’s easier to see just the little houses of where you’ve sent postcards from on Travel Mode! Just select the relevant time period, and then de-select your Sent and Received postcards, so that just the houses remain. Like this:

Here’s my map:

What does yours look like?


That’s neat. I like it! Here’s mine. I’ve only used travel mode a few times. My most recent postcards sent from New Brunswick last week are still en route.


Travel mode used in France, Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro and Spain so far.
I will add Sweden and Denmark next week and Portugal in October.


Getting a visa to Russia isn’t terribly difficult, someone in Russia has to invite you, then you can apply for a visa with the Russian government, and then if they approve it you have to fly there via a country that allows flights to Russia, like Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, or Ethiopia.

I like the new map feature- it is very cool how much easier it is to see my travel mode locations now!


I will use travel mode again later in July (Helsinki, Finland, Stockholm, Sweden and Bergen, Norway), but I have used travel mode from these locations before, so no house at a new location.


i remember a trip to turkey some years back and was happy about buying stamps first and then getting my postcards.
those stamps were HUGE.
in austria i did the opposite: bought cards, wrote them and got the stamps afterwards, some of them i had to stick on horizontally to make them fit.
ever since i buy stamps always before i start writing on the cards, when being abroad :smiley: