Travel Mode ✈️ Destinations - Questions - Opinions

It’s strange but I still can’t send squares from the Vatican.

I hope you manage to find an answer - have a wonderful trip!

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Yes, all wifi in the Vatican will say you’re in Italy.
So as mentioned before you need to contact the team via the main site to get your location set to the Vatican.
(I had to do the same when I was at Svalbard a few years ago.)


Good to know. I’ll be in Vatican City on March 18. As I understand it, then, I should contact admin in advance, then set the wifi via the Vatican during that day that I’m there. Correct?


Contact them a day on advance (at least).

You then change details , but draw ID via Italian wi fi (eg your hotel).
Once you have drawn the ID and sent the cards you contact PC again so your details can be reset eg to Italy travel mode.


Hi, sorry if I’m missing this and if it already is a thing…

I was in Abu Dhabi airport and you can buy postcards, BUT not stamps…

What I am suggesting is that we all help where possible advise fellow postcrosser’s on where we can buy not only postcards, but stamps to send them when we visit there country…

What do you think?


Yes, I think this is needed.
A German postcrosser had somewhere read that most shops sell stamps in Finland, she has asked many shops, and not one sold. But she had only gone to Lidl shops, apparently Lidl chain here doesn’t sell stamps (I knew my closest one doesn’t), they have postcards for sale, not stamps. Other shops sell stamps, either from the cashier, or from Info desk. Also books shop sell stamps, and “Ärrä”-kiosks.

You can recognise the place from a plaque(?) that says “postimerkkejä”, often near where are the logos for paying methods etc., I try later find photo of such.


In India you will find the stamps you want at a local post office only. You should be able to locate the nearest on Google Maps.

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I will give you my opinion, although you might be disappointed with it. You can buy your postcards and then mail them when you return home. Not a great solution, but I have a large number of cards purchased by UK travelers when on holiday in France, Spain, etc. They mailed them when they got back home. I very much appreciate them. The emphasis, in my opinion, is on the postcard picture; less so on the stamp(s). Again my viewpoint only.


This is the sign meaning you can buy postage stamps, sorry the horrible quality:

There are older variations of this too, it can be a sticker as well. I think all have this strong yellow orange colour to it.

The light blue text “postnord” doesn’t mean postage stamps selling.

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Thank you, I often do send mine when I get home, but with the postage rate going up here, sometimes where I am might cost less…

Also I like to send a postcard to myself or a friend, or for a swap, so I’d need the stamps off the country I’m in and be able to send the postcard there, whilst I am… If I can not do a direct swap that is…

Great viewpoint and thanks for sharing…

I don’t know if this will work for everyone, but when I go to Germany to visit my relatives, I send them a “If you don’t mind and you happen to be there” shopping list for me that always includes postcard postage stamps - I check on the forums so I can tell them what I need - and I pay them when I get there.


I informed admin that I was traveling to Vatican City.
Then the day of my visit I changed my address to Vatican City in settings.
After, I let admin know that I would remain in travel mode until I returned home.


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Where to buy postcards and stamps in Sarajevo, Zagreb, Ljubljana

I did a couple of Travel Mode cards from Bogota, Colombia last week. It was fairly easy. I found some cards, both touristy views and local paintings at a souvenir shop in the historic Candelaria district. The Colombian post office (called 4-72) has a philatelic shop nearby to get stamps. Colombian stamps are amazing. They are all relevant to Colombian culture, landscapes, wildlife, history, etc and none are self adhesive! The woman at the shop was helpful and enthusiastic. She cancelled the stamps and assured me that they will get to their destinations. I hope so, because I have heard bad stories about sending mail from Colombia!

My second stop is in Bocas del Toro in Panama. There is no post office on Isla Colon, where I am staying. I would have to take a water bus to Almirante, on the mainland. I haven’t found any places selling postcards, either! I’m going to wait to get back to Panama City to send my cards.


I will be in Andorra in 2 weeks. I am saving up open slots for the official postcrossing cards. I hope I can find cards and stamps in the tiny town I stay in.


It’s amazing what a Postcrosser will do to send a stranger a bit of happy mail. I have hunted for stamps, post office, post boxes, postcards, struggled with my lack of language diversity and ALWAYS find someone helpful in a shop, on the streets, and in a post office including postal clerks, security staff, and locals.
Big lesson recently: make sure you get your number ticket before waiting …
Happy Postcrossing all!


I ordered some stamps from Liechtenstein this morning, so that on an excursion I can pop across the border and use Travel Mode there!


There are Spanish and French Andorra stamps, also there are Spanish and French postboxes. I ordered stamps before I went, but you probably don’t have enough time for that.


I was able to get a local internet connection to use travel mode at the National Postal Museum of Liechtenstein in Vaduz. They have free wifi that anyone can connect to, and the museum is worth visiting as well. It’s not very big so it shouldn’t take long to explore. There is a visitor’s center next door with many postcards for sale and a post office across the street where you can mail the postcards. Have fun!