Travel Mode ✈️ Destinations - Questions - Opinions

Make sure to ask Postcrossing to set your country to the Holy See (Vatican City) ahead of time, the wifi is still Italy. The Postcrossing team has to manually set it. :slight_smile: Enjoy Italy!


Question for those in the United States (and maybe other large countries):

If you travel to a different state/city, do you use travel mode to send postcards from the place you’re visiting? Or do you not really worry about it since it’s within the same country?


Yes @sthowe10 , I have used travel mode in my own country, it is still fun, and makes more houses on the stats page.


I know, I had the problem last year :sweat_smile:

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Perfect, glad I am sounding like a broken record. Haha :rofl: :joy:

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I use travel mode when travelling within Canada since BC is vastly different from Ontario. Using travel mode makes it fun to see the little houses in the different places you have travelled. Montana and Louisiana might as well be different countries with the different foods and culture. So, go for it! :slight_smile:


Norway is not a big country, but I do try to remember to set my account in travel mode anyway (does not need access to wifi since it is the same country) so that travel from will be different that usual.


I do so.


No, no, you wanted to help, thank you! :slight_smile:

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I do! I like seeing the little house icons on the stats page showing all the places I’ve sent cards from, and it’s also good for getting accurate statistics on total travel distance and time etc.


Usually when I’m traveling within the US, I travel only about 50 miles / 80 km from my home to visit my mother for the weekend. She lives in a suburb of the nearest big city to me. To be honest, although I might write a few cards in the evening, Travel Mode seems silly.

Last October I went to a work conference in the state capital from Monday to Wednesday, about 325 km from home, and then spent Thursday and Friday sightseeing before driving back home Saturday, and sent a ton of Postcrossing cards that week, but I didn’t think to use Travel Mode.

I attempted to use Travel Mode last month, while visiting Antsiranana (Diego Suarez) in Madagascar, but couldn’t get recognized as being in Madagascar. I realized too late, I had my VPN on, so I’m sure that was the issue. Anyway, I managed to get my private swaps out. If you’re ever in Antsiranana, it’s a pretty good place for Postcrossing. The post office staff is helpful and friendly, there is a nice selection of stamps and there’s a shop that sells beautiful postcards for 22c each a couple of blocks away. Hopefully, everything will arrive before too long.


Hello, I have a problem, I am currently visiting Rome and I wanted to send cards with the Vatican post office from the Vatican, but when I activate travel mode, it tells me that postcrossing does not know how to see if I am really at the vatican. but the Vatican wifi is considered Italian. I will send you photos proving my presence.
I would have loved to send cards from this little state. can you help me ?


Best option: contact the Postcrossing team through the Contact Form on the main page. For such microstates, autonomic regions etc it’s often best to contact the team ahead of time as they’re able to manually change your location.


@kabuki2611 The information you provide said to try another local network. So it was me, I would go to another side of the building and try again. I’m not saying this will work, but it’s what I would try, at least. I hope you have a lovely holiday. :slightly_smiling_face:

@Cassiopheia’s suggestion is better than mine! :smile:

I’m in Rome too, and have drawn cards for VA.
I contacted the Postcrossing team yesterday and they sorted it for me.

I used the contact form as suggested - reference ‘other’



Waves heartily from a fellow tiny city-state


And don’t forget San Marino when you are in the neighbourhood, also a very rare PC country.


Yes, I did the same :slight_smile:
Last time, I had the same problem, so some people gave gave me this tip :slight_smile:

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ood evening, yes I did it but I have no news yet. now I have activated my wifi but they say that I am in Italy and not in the Vatican but I would nevertheless like to send from the Vatican.

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