😡 Жалобная книга

В пятницу прошлую зарегистрировали мою открытку от 5 февраля. Может конечно гораздо раньше дошла. :thinking:


Оставим это на её совести. Люди с пониманием тоже пройдут мимо её постов, остальных переубеждать не имеет смысла…


Сейчас подобный вещи происходят на многих форумах / группах. И уходить ото всюду…? Ну это просто закрыться в своей берлоге. Люди ОЧЕНЬ разные! ВЕЗДЕ! Негатив гораздо легче разглядеть, чем позитив.
А вот скорость почтового обмена, вот это да, вот это проблема… Я зарегистрирована тут и у меня два профиля на русском сайте. Итого: в неделю по одной открытке получаю. Раньше было 3-5 штук (все же по России быстро идут). Вот как тут бороться даже не знаю…


Поучаствуйте в тегах и робинах . И интересно и открыток будет больше приходить)

и в группах, там быстрее

I know this postcrosser has already left (and I’m sorry about that), but since their questions and remarks are probably in more people’s minds, I thought we’d take a moment to reply and clarify a few things. I apologize for doing this in English — my Russian is not great.

First of all, the rules have not changed and Postcrossing is not “out of politics” like so many people seem to believe. Although the platform itself aims to be neutral and apolitical, we don’t have a problem with sensitive topics being discussed between members, as long as this is done respectfully, without hate speech and without instigating violence. Nowhere in the rules is it said that political topics cannot be discussed.

We do our best to moderate the forum in an unbiased way, but naturally, having respectful conversations in a war period is difficult, and we cannot claim that we are completely neutral. Over time, we have removed heated comments from some topics, tried to stir conversations back to the topic when they’ve spiraled into accusations for both sides, or silenced accounts whose aggressive contributions were systematically causing fights to break out. We’ve done this as carefully and as neutrally as possible, closing topics only in last instance, when discussions were no longer constructive or beyond redemption.

We might remove content that infringes Postcrossing’s Terms of Service, the Community Guidelines or the Forum Guidelines, but that is not the case of the specific post that keeps being flagged on this topic. The mentioned post didn’t contain hate speech, doesn’t contain threats, shouting or accusations against postcrossers, and cannot be considered off-topic in a thread that is all about complaints and venting one’s frustrations. The linked news is the kind of content on the news every single day lately — for sure, it is upsetting and shocking, but it’s nothing everyone isn’t watching on the noon news broadcast in any country out there. Anyone is free to reply to it (as long as this is done in a constructive and respectful way), or to ignore it. Having a different opinion or disagreeing with what is being said is not a valid reason to flag content.

Russia will not be removed from Postcrossing. We believe this is a time when the world needs even more dialogue and connection, in which Postcrossing also plays a role. But this also means that difficult topics will inevitably be mentioned. It is unreasonable for people to expect that no one will mention the war to them, when it is on everyone’s minds and having an impact on their daily lives.

Lastly, moderating an international forum during war time is not an easy job. Moderators do their best and I’m sure we do mistakes… but we’ll continue to do the best we can, and hope better days and peace will come soon for everyone. If you disagree with a moderation decision, feel free to reach out to one of the admins, so we can have a second look — we’ll be happy to do so.


Ana, one thing someone start this conversation, and another person can choose to ignore it, or join and participate, without making it personal, going vulgar, etc. And totally other thing someone coming here, where among many other things we do discuss the way the events in Ukraine affect us as postcrossers – things like cards deliveries issues, changed sentiment in the texts we receive on the cards, or people removing postcard images from/to Russian users – and start dumping on us accusations as a nation, links we know are crap, telling us we must stop something and support something, etc… this is not mentioning, this is harassment, trolling, provocation. It’s done of purpose to annoy and offend.


Thanks for your constructive feedback! I hope that postcrossing will remain a place of dialogue between cultures, and not a place of enmity and negativity. But I am very sad to see accounts that call for signing a petition to exclude Russia from this project. It seems to me that this is contrary to the decision of the site administration.


Dear Ana, thank you and the Postcrossing team for making such significant efforts to keep the principles of the project during this hard times. I think all Russian participants appreciate it.


Dear Ana,

I just want to explain as a Russian postcrossing participaint for the people from other countries the fact that those who actually might be targets of such “news” report are 85% NOT the members of Postcrossing. Living in Russia right now, I see how they hate the other world and how offended they are. Those who wanted to start this conflict would never try to become a part of such a big community as Postcrossing is. So, we are already informed. Most of us have relatives in the Ukraine since just 30 years ago people mobed from one country to another one same as people in modern EU do. It is hard to live and know that you as a single person is not able to change the mind of the authorities.

And speaking about the message, even if it was not offensive (although many people here would concern it was a passive agression, but we understand what a horror is now in the souls of the citizens of the Ukraine, so we accept this), it is a spam message. Noone would be happy if any Russian postcrosser posted any similar post with news list in the topics of other countries. Hope you will understand our point. And thank you for trying to explain us your!


Кстати, если кто помнит мою открытку в Финляндию: вроде как договорилась со знакомой в Германии, что через нее перешлю. И ей еще Камбербетча в подарок, но его почему-то не хочет никто и так получаить при обмене :slight_smile: Мир не без добрых людей, всем спасибо за помощь и участие!


Я! Я всегда хочу Камбербэтча!!)

а меня он пугает. с какой он планеты блин?


С классной


Всё просто… он рептилоид :slight_smile:
А девушек он не красотой неземной очаровал в своё время, а оттакенной харизмой) Много их, таких харизматичных не-красавцев (тот же Челентано, к примеру)

Сорри, совсем уж в офф ушли.


Хорошо, чуть подзакажу открыток и отправлю как обмен мб :slight_smile: Напиши мне в ЛС, чтобы я не забыла!

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Sorry, which links are “crap” : Deutsche Welle news or twitter page of Ursula von der Leyen?


Помнится в детстве весь мир ненавидел мусульман. Я до сих пор помню чаты в той же аське, где русские обзывали чурками и чуть ли не всех мусульман называли террористами. До сих пор под новостями с кавказцами были непонятно чем ущемленные юмористы. Сейчас в ситуации, когда всех россиян гнобят по всем фронтам уже не так сильно огорчает этот хейт. Ведомым людям всегда видятся враги даже там, где их нет. Двойные стандарты, лицемерие - вечные спутники пропаганды и промывания мозгов. Что у нас, что в мире. Мысленно посылайте хейтеров и спокойно это отпускайте их из головы.


Настойчиво предлагаю заканчивать обсуждать тут хейтинги и обсуждать почту.
Не знаю, для чего предназначена тема жалоб здесь, если используется не для обсуждения почты.


The thing is that we as postcrossing members are already involved in this discourse somehow since we are in an international community and of course we do not want our country to behave agressively. Because those who does do not want to exchange postcards with the whole ither world, of course. Oksana, as I have said to you, I understand your pain as I can since I just was born in a town on the border with the Ukraine. However, we are not a target audience for you now. You’d better go to Vkontakte, to the groups of people who support this tragedy. It will have some effect there since people there do not want to accept any other point of view althought they came there to chat about politics. In this very place, in a russian-speaking chat for solving problems with mailing and working on this platformm it is more like spam, unfortunatelly. I hope you will here me.