Tik Tok/Post Crossing Round Robin!-July (CLOSED)

Recently Postcrossing has started to take over Tik Tok. A lot of us have Tik Tok and a certain Bando livin Louisianan to thank for our newest hobby/hyperfixation! I thought it would be fun for us to start a round robin! It gives us a chance to get to know each other and send and receive multiple cards each month!!!

So, if you are interested send me your address. I will get us a list ready and hopefully we can all send out our July cards by months end!


Count me in! Do you still have my address?

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Hello how many cards do you have to send sounds a fun idea !

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I believe I do!

I guess it will just depend on how many sign up for the first round. But even if a ton of people sign up ( I don’t see that happening even though I would love it!) We can probably make groups of 20.

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I’m interested!

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Please count me in

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Private message me your addresses, please!

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Yay I finally found the page!

Anyone know how to favorite this group or page so i can find it easier?

Try Bookmarking, but now you should receive notifications for it since you have commented!

I’m in!

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I didn’t learn about Postcrossing from Brie, but I did learn about it last year from someone else on Tiktok! I’d love to join. PMing you now :slight_smile:


So, I’m thinking we will close this round tomorrow. Currently we have 7 participants, so that means sending and receiving 6 different cards! So fun! But, not too overwhelming! Thoughts!

But, if you know someone else who may enjoy this send them our way!!


I think sending 6 cards at first sounds good! :slight_smile:


Am I too late to sign up?

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Nope! Message me your address!

Excited sending address

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Message sent!

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Hey there! Did you send a message here or on tik tok?