Thread : Favorite Cards (backside)

Hey all :blush:

I just joined this lovely site and I’m more than excited to start. Most people here share the front of their favorite cards and the designs on it. I’d be interested to see your favorite cards back. Was there anything you loved in particular? An amazing stamp? A little doodle? A sentence you loved?

Please share your photo of it. :purple_heart:

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For official Postcrossing cards this is actually against the rules:

So absolutely do not upload it anywhere.

I’m not sure if there’s a similar rule on the forum, but according to the forum guidelines there’s a rule about private information, which would apply, if a return address has been added to the card


BUT: I have seen, that photos of the stamps for example are being shared though. They don’t have personal information, so they are safe :slight_smile:

As for the message, I personally wouldn’t like to see my written messages anywhere public. I write them to the recipient and only to them. If I knew someone were to upload them, I’d add them to a personal blacklist to either not send or only send blank cards if I really have to, from then on…


One of my favourite cards of all time came with a sticker of the senders actual cat!!! Absolutely loved it. In fact, most of the cards that end up being my favourite usually include some scenario where the sender adds pictures or stickers or drawings of their pets.


Welcome to Postcrossing & the Forum Anna! It’s a fun & friendly place.

Here’s an existing thread just showing the backside decorations

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I love the decorating the back of your postcards thread I get so many ideas!

If you want to post the back most people blur out address and personal messages. As @MiriMayhem pointed out- you need to blur the address per guidelines. I usually blur what I wrote as well. So here is an envelope I did, for example:



According to the Community Guidelines it is not allowed to make back sides of cards public.
For this reason I am closing this topic.

You can show the decoration of your own cards in Decorating the back of your →NON-HANDMADE POSTCARDS←