The shortest distance?

To Belgium, 78 km (48 miles):

I think this is my shortest distance from Helsinki to Tallinn 82km.

What does this sentence mean?

I mean, that using the USPS took that mail 3 days, but if I delivered it myself it would have taken it less than 10 minutes.

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My shortest distance is 82 km (51 miles), from Helsinki to Tallinn.

Shortest send: 15 km. I could have cycled that and put it in her mailbox myself.
Shortest received: 51 km.

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Shortest send;

5 km

I live now just around the corner😉


My shortest sent and received distance is 190 km.



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My shortest distances are across the border with Germany.


A mere 43km! Still took 8 days lol

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Shortest distance that I’ve sent (1072km):

Shortest distance that I’ve received (640km):


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They made it look longer becsuse the line is an arch. :rofl:

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My shortest sent postcard was 72 km:

Shortest sent: :belgium::de: 113 miles

Or if using travel mode whilst on the continent is cheating, it’s :uk::netherlands: 163 miles

Shortest received: :fr::uk: 167 miles

17 months on since my last post in this thread, this is now my closest sent, 54 miles:

And 68 miles received:

Sent - 52 miles:

Received - 82 miles:

My shortest travelled card (sent by me) is AU-799184 from Tuggeranong, Canberra to Katoomba in the Blue Mountains. A distance of 221 km (as the crow flies). It’d be 347 kilometres if I drove there. It took four days to arrive…making it my fastest travelled card too (by six days!).


This one is not the shortest distance in this thread, but it’s pretty short, since I live fairly close to the Canadian border. I could drive to the sender’s city in a day; note that it took the combined might of two postal systems 13 days to deliver the card.

149 km!

It seems this card was on foot, 1km per day:)