The problem between Russia and Ukraine

So with the unfortunate problems between Russia and Ukraine, will there be problems with postcards coming from or going to? Do we not send to these for awhile?

Already been a bit of discussion here :slight_smile:


I drew an address for the Ukraine the other day and all I can do is send the postcard. Hopefully it gets to the recipient someday. Once it’s in the hands of the post office all we can do is let them do their thing.

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Nothing has changed on Postcrossing yet as Paulo & Ana & the crew are trying to clarify the status of a number of postal systems currently given the invasion.

Here’s her message from yesterday:

Had I read everything beforehand I would have known… thanks for bringing it to my attention


the system gives my friend an address to Russia,so i think it s ok to send a postcard to Russia.

I close this topic now, for reading about sending mail to anywhere in the world please check the Postal Monitor.
Concerning mail to Ukraine please check the topic that @pcronn and @LC-Canada mentioned: