Can we still sent cards/letters to Ukraine?

We understand that everyone is a little anxious about their postcards, and whether or not they’ll arrive to their destinations, so I’d like to reassure you all that @paulo, @chieusa and myself are doing everything we can to keep the Postal Monitor as updated as possible, so that Postcrossing’s algorithm does not give out addresses in a place where your country cannot send mail to.

Updating the Postal Monitor is the kind of work that involves keeping tabs on dozens of postal services’ channels, scanning their websites and social media accounts for information that comes in images, spreadsheets, posts, Telegram & Messenger messages, emails… We’ve seen all kinds of things in the 2 years we’ve been running the Monitor, from airmail being shifted to transcontinental trains and cargo boats, and even some getting stuck in the Suez canal… :sweat_smile:

So in other words, just because some flights might be cancelled, it doesn’t necessarily mean that mail cannot be transported to a certain country! With the pandemic, postal operators are used to getting alternative mail forwarding routes in place, and most are promptly updating their service pages, which we keep an eye on. Do keep reporting your updates on the Mail suspensions topic — they are welcome and a big help.

And last but not least, keep those postcards flowing! This is the time when the world most needs kindness and connection.