The Other Side of the Card

Showing ID in the blog for awesome received cards, so the people who might read the blog can go favourite it? I know there are even topics where people post IDs of certain collectable cards, so you can put it on your wall.

Yes, the deleting information then from the profile is tricky point. Maybe I should check all my posts to see whether it happened with some, might deserve a look over and a fix. :thinking: As all information security professors told us in University - what goes on internet stays there forever (like in cache, etc.).

When you cannot read it, the information is kept private :thinking:

The only writing I ever show is hello or the destination country (which is part of my own address) and general data like date, weather, id. No part of messages are ever shown. No matter what they wrote.
I do like to show the hello sometimes because it’s handlettered or similar.

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Yes, I didn’t think of that. (Edit. Although, they could go to your profile, and find the card there, to favourite it, so the id link is not totally necessary.)

And yes, everything stays in the internet, I wonder if you can look old profiles with wayback or similar, so all the information is still there? Even if they remove it.

But if someone mistakenly, without thinking, shares too much information, I don’t think it’s still ok to share it. (Still, I agree, a quote is not that). But for me, easier not to share anything at all.

But sometimes you can, like I wrote, some blur so poorly, it’s still easy to read it, without even trying. (Not talking about you.)
Maybe they have so small screen, they think it’s well blurred?

Or they leave the whole name, city and country visible
without thinking, in smaller places it’s same as leaving the whole address.

Easiest is to contact them, right? Because why not?
I have been asked few times, it’s kind of nice to know someone wants to show it, but even more nicer, that they value my opinion.

Well, recently in Russian postcrossers’ chat we were discussing the inappropriate erotic image cards. I saw an example but the explicit photo of the card was removed from postcrossing. But when I posted an ID link in the chat, it still showed preview picture.

So yes, any information you ever put on internet stays there if you know where to look. When I was teaching ‘Basics of IT’ for language students, I made a personal data search for one of students only using open sources (by written consent from the student of course). Search showed way too much info sadly, including passwords to some accounts. I guess putting your own sensitive info online is just poor information hygiene, and I agree that if something way too personal is there, I’d even write the user and advise to remove it :slightly_smiling_face:

@Cassiopheia I do about the same treatment of info plus some thoughts from penpals they allow me to refer to and like to read about it in my blog. Sometimes even good blur though, there I agree with @S_Tuulia, can reveal some more info - if you deduce with using some more open sources, profile. Hmm, okay, now I see better what meant by that ID also can give you more info even with blurred message

True. Sometimes when I show received cards from direct swaps, I post link to the identical card or similar on postcrossing for adding to favourites. I don’t know how to classify that :grin::sweat_smile:

sure - I’ve seen it, too. Than it’s not kept private and against the rules. And I quite often see cards just posted as is (esp. on social media) which is a no-go. I especially get angry when people post other people’s addresses
 I can’t understand :see_no_evil:

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Not to be the fun police, but speaking from the perspective of european law it is not okay to post anything from the backside of the card on the Internet without the senders permission. I am not sure about drawings - stickers should be okay though.

The ID is definitely personal data and the handwriting is as well! So just posting a picture of a handwritten “hello” isn’t allowed.

I think this discussion is really interesting though. I just thought that this fact might help you with your understanding of the topic :slight_smile:

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And a User only agrees towards Postcrossing that an ID will be formed and will be used within Postcrossing. Just because he agrees with using it here it isn’t an agreement to use it somewhere else.

I don’t want to be more papal than the pope here (not sure if that’s an expression everywhere :joy:) but legally speaking there is not really space for interpretation.

Practically speaking I don’t think it’s “Bad” to use the ID for blogs or pictures in the forum and so on as long as you remove it as soon as the user disagrees with that. I wouldn’t do it on purpose though

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It’s so cool to have a lawyer perspective on that! (I’m more from information security/IT point myself)

I think it makes sense to have a disclaimer in the blog, something like ‘contact me if you need me to remove any of your personal data from the blog’. Am I understanding right?

What an interesting topic :slight_smile: From my point of view, the sender should agree to posting the card online before the actual posting. Many users don’t check the blog, but still wouldn’t be comfortable with their card shown online. Maybe disclaimer in the profile would be more appropriate, so the sender can let you know if it would be a problem beforehand.


I am not sure if that would be sufficient. It’s not my area of expertise so I don’t know the details. Problems here might be that the people don’t even know that their data is used for those purposes. So they don’t even know that they have to tell you to stop.

If they tell you to stop using it, then you definitely have to stop doing so and if you won’t you can be fined. I am not sure if it’s possible to fine you in your case in advance just for the use of the data.

But there is the problem that you can also be sued for damages by that person. Those can be obvious damages such as the misuse of their data resulting in them losing money or whatever. But there are also damages which aren’t obvious. Sometimes it’s just enough that you “hurt” them and their rights.

Here you’d just be a private person misusing data (which is still also not allowed). The typical cases are companies misusing data. So it might be that the law is less strict with private people, but again, I don’t know that.

Those are just the things that come to mind and that I would research If I would use data in that way. There is a lot online on european data protection law. Again, it’s possible that the only consequence you have to fear is that you have to stop using the data when you’re being told so.

But practically speaking this might just be a theoretical problem. Because what are the chances of people disagreeing with a blog or a comment here in the forum in a way that would result in calling the authorities/filing a law suit and so on? I personally don’t think that there is any harm done.

It’s just not so easy to ignore my lawyer brain in my daily life :joy:

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The ‘lawyer brain’, lol

Well, I don’t use any personal data except maybe handwriting (same as @Cassiopheia, I show Hello, or my name or country unblurred if the handwriting is really interesting - like Calligraphy), and the ‘inspirational quote’ messages. And I always check profile, if it says no use of any backside stuff, then I don’t, might provide pictures of stamps used from other sources

Theoretically, someone might be hurt that I used their quote or tip for a music or website in my blog. Oh well, brave new world we live in :woman_shrugging::crazy_face: With the enormous amount of viewers per post being 3-5, and I suspect most of them are penpals, I hope nothing bad happens.

Thank you, it’s a very good solution, I will put it in both profiles (website and forum) right away!

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But then there’s the problem, that not everyone understands enough English or even read the profile. Or they can forget to mention not to publish it. When the presumption is, that the message side should not be shown, all the extra trouble should be left for the one who desires to publish it. So, I suggest you ask the permission from each one personally, before publishing.

Yes, I’ve seen someone cover their own address, but not the senders, that feels strange!

That would be a little bit too much, in my opinion. If a person cannot understand enough English that means that I have no way to receive the proper agreement.

And furthermore most if not all messages of users who don’t know enough English to understand profile description, contain next to zero personal data - usually it’s ‘happy postcrossing’ type of message

Again - I cover all addresses - mine and sender’s, occasionally I leave ID and non-specific information unblurred. Going and ask everyone for permission of writing any post in my blog - I might stop writing blog altogether. I think that after mentioning the blog, I’m being treated the same way like people who post full backside unblurred on instagram or facebook :grin:

Well, my post with @mazenfakih 's artwork was removed after it got flagged, even though I had successfully removed my address and asked his permission before posting.
So I guess the mystery is solved: you can’t post the backside of the postcard on the forum.

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It’s quite a shame because I don’t mind at all if someone shares the backside of my cards.


Thank you again I loved it! And it’s definitely the best backside of the postcard I have received so far.

Maybe you could share your future artworks in this topic:

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