The Little Mail Carriers are looking for new hosts! 🧳

Hi everyone!

Our little set of traveling Mail Carriers have been all over the world in the past 10 years, discovering big countries and tiny islands, visiting interesting museums, and exploring our diverse globe and its many cultures. You can read about their trips on the blog: Mail-carriers tagged posts

At the moment, they’re looking for new hosts for them… which is where YOU come in :slight_smile: If you have some time to show them around your city or take them to a cool postal-themed museum, leave a comment below!

You will need to take photos and write a text (between 600-1000 words) about their visit, so please keep that in mind as there is some work involved. But if you’re happy to do that, let us know what you’d show them if they were visiting you, and we’ll get in touch when the time comes. Usually the trips are planned based on where they currently are, so it might take a while for me to reach out… but I’d like to build a little group of interested hosts that I could contact over time, to help streamline this process.

Looking forward to hearing from you and to planning their next adventures!


What do you think @manu86? Should we show these little guys some parts of the beautiful region around Nürnberg and Erlangen? :wink:


Happy to host them in the great state of Texas (or extra places if I’m traveling for work at the time) - especially Dallas and Austin.

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Did they ever go to the Postal Museum in Tampere? :thinking:


It would be interesting to have a map with all the places they have already been


Good idea! Let me quickly put something together! :slight_smile:


It would be fun to see little Mail Carriers traveling around Sumatra, Java and Borneo @noritaa @dandelion_mail @IndonesiaRaya


I’d show them our local sorting centre. Just sayin’ :innocent:


Ok! Here is a map of all the locations they’ve been in so far:

Screenshot 2021-07-23 at 16.27.16

(click to see the real map, this is just a screenshot)


Never, but I bet they’d be happy to! :slight_smile:

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Maybe I could show them around Kraków? :slight_smile:

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We still have the restrictions enforcement (PPKM), unless by the time they arrive here the restrictions are lifted then I’ll be happy to bring them with me to visit places.

Same! I’ve been wanting to go there and now that I have an income I’ll be able to. I don’t have a specific date set yet so I perhaps we can make it work one of these days? I’d love to have them on this journey. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I would love to host the little mailcarriers and show them Amsterdam, Zaanstad, Alkmaar and other great places. But only in a few months when I have more energy again since I’m still recovering from long-covid. But maybe @FeNa wants to join in?


Of course we can do it. Perhaps we can take them also to Bamberg, Arrach and Arnbruck.


Happy to host them in Oregon, USA.

I would be happy too, @meidans :smiley:

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It looks like they’ve never been to the Ozarks, and I imagine they’d love it! I’d be happy to show them around! (In Arkansas, USA.)

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great memory for me, to have a look at the blog of the little mail carriers!
thanks for all the nice comments!!! it was my pleasure to host them!!


I’d be delighted to host them in the Emerald City of Seattle, Washington, USA. Lots to see and do here, and we have a volcano!
Also, the Museum of Flight in Seattle includes some of the first US AirMail planes.