The FinEst Postcrossing Meetup In Tartu - Tartu, Estonia - 14 Oct 2023

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Tartu, Estonia
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Hotell Tartu, Soola 3, Tartu
:calendar: DATE: Saturday 14 Oct 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13-22
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Warmly welcome to The FinEst Postcrossing Meetup In Tartu!

The Finnish Postcrossing Friends Association organizes its annual trip to Estonia on October 13-15. Altogether 50 Finnish postcrossers are traveling to meet their Estonian Postcrossing colleagues and friends.

The meetup will take place at the conference premises of Hotell Tartu. In place, there are also postcard artists and publishers exhibiting and selling their products. Also, Estonian post Omniva is at the place selling stamps and giving the new special cancellation to our postcards.

After the meetup at 19, we continue the evening at The FinEst Postcrossing Dinner at Restaurant Püssirohukelder.

Estonian participants are asked to register here + by email/PM to @absentminded ( There is a participation fee to the meetup of 10€ to cover the expenses of serving during the meetup (coffee/tea, wholemeal bread with salami and blue cheese, home made slide of cake, assorted fruits). Those who want to join the dinner, there is a fee of 33€ for three-course dinner.

Two meetup cards will be available in September, both illustrated by Estonian artist(s).

Tere tulemast! Tervetuloa! Welcome!



  1. insp3ktor


  1. -C-
  2. absentminded
  3. Andry1961
  4. Anneliis
  5. applebear
  6. artem_and_yana
  7. cerres
  8. evajette
  9. evamaria
  10. iivikas33
  11. Janza
  12. KartuliMees
  13. Maire58
  14. monkur
  15. mummi
  16. Nublu


  1. Alisa
  2. candyqueen
  3. Daisa
  4. doriscat
  5. Emilia91
  6. Ezzi
  7. Fahda
  8. gsalmine
  9. Hellevi
  10. Hogpet
  11. Idler
  12. Isoiita
  13. Karhuntassu
  14. kat_ja
  15. katitriin
  16. Kikka
  17. Korttien_kuningatar
  18. Luluz
  19. Makilatu
  20. Memm
  21. mhojk
  22. Mikidi
  23. Minttuinkeri
  24. Minttumaaria
  25. Nakendorf
  26. OPUS57
  27. outsikka
  28. Peppi59
  29. Pinktigerbutterfly
  30. Rallu
  31. Regndroppar
  32. Riit
  33. Riittamuori
  34. russeli
  35. Saint
  36. Sanna
  37. Saraaw
  38. Seijafi
  39. Shireya
  40. Sibbo
  41. sirpa57
  42. snive
  43. Tallu
  44. Tatuhi
  45. Vivalditha
  46. Zirkonia


  1. Jeaber
  2. Jeannine

We have two meetup cards available.


hello!i like this card!can we swap?

Hello,may I swap the photography postcard?

1 Like

Hello everyone!
I would be very interested in exchanging both wonderful cards.
My offers:

Enjoy your meet up and thank you in advance.

Hello everyone,

I Love the bridge Meetup card. I can offer German Meetup cards in exchange. Thank you in advance and have fun at the meetup.

Cheers Anne

tere & terve! I would be very interested in swapping for this postcard if anyone has it!

Hello! I love the bridge card :smiley:
Would you like to swap? I can offer a card from the next meeting I’m going to attend

or other cards from Italy :slight_smile:

Tere, sõbrad! Ma olen Venemaalt, soovin väga teiega vahetada postkaarti kahest koerast vihmavarju all! Kas saate Soomest saata?
I offer an exchange for a postcard

fotogracia | обменник – 80 Bilder | VK :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hello, i’m from Indonesia. I love your meetup card. Would anyone can swap? I have three cards from Jakarta meetup on 30 September, you can choose one.


Hi everyone. Today I got this card sent by @Janza during your Postcrossing meet. Also this is my first Postcrossing card from Estonia. :blush:

Hi all, I’m searching for someone from Estonia to swap meetup cards, let me know, thanks