The best cards you have sent

I want to know how you can put your postcard link, and also have a small box, but I can only put the link, and still click out, no result link

Today I went out to buy a card for a swap and I feel in love with it! Bought all the cards that were left :joy:


Uploading: ES-472581.jpg

These postcards are one of my favorites, I really like them because of the design. It is a pity that it has to go inside an envelope so that it does not deteriorate, since the Flamenca dress has natural fabric and thread and it can get caught and break. The color of the dress usually varies (green, red, blue, yellow)
I would like to send more postcards like this, but the price of the postcard is high, and I usually send it with some special exchange, but every once in a while I usually surprise a person from Postcrossing.


Those are the favorite of my cards that I received from you! :innocent:

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Akita dog and a Akita’s famous festival. I love this.


I’m very fond of this cute doggie :3


I’ve chosen my personal favourite sent ones with a Dutch theme (I might show some other themes later on).

I love art and windmills so this is a great combination for me:

I love books and bought this card at the amazing store:

Found this second-hand and had a hard time parting with it but luckily the receiver was very appreciative:

I love aerial views. And another second-hand:

Another aerial view and I love the island of Texel:


Some of my favourite postcards I sent:

Dawid Bowie! I think it’s self-explanatory to anyone who loves his music. This photo is just stunning!

Painting by Törneman. He has very unique colour palette. I saw his works in Thielska Galleriet and bought only one copy of this postcard:

I like Marianne North, I have even a book about her art. These cacti are wonderful in my opinion!

I have a soft spot for botanical cards:

To be honest, I like many cards I sent (also the first postal car, , Swedish map, b&w photo by Willy Ronis, reprint of Pommac ad. I usually put a bit of effort into choosing the right postcard.


This is the one with the most likes so far.

I got the nicest comment on this one.

And I got the comment that this one was very interesting. The receiver also said she looked this one up on the internet to find out more information about it so she could read more about it.

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Hi @Kompis-Ninna If you really like that postcard, why don’t you send one to yourself? That way you won’t feel “guilty” of keeping a blank one just because you like it but you have an excuse to keep it anyways. Write to you as it is a normal day, write to your future self or ask your friends to sign it for your birthday (fill out the space for your adress+stamps first, just a tip) and then send it over to yourself.
You should keep a postcard you like even if they’re blank but here’s an extra reason to do it. :grin:

Ah, that is not really my thing. I don’t collect this type of postcards, I am frugal enough to not really see a reason to pay the postage to only receive a card from myself, and I already have a journal for any messages to my future self. I was more like you know having a hard time to decide to whom I want to send the cards than being between keeping or sending. In fact, I kept 2 of the cards from that series.


Hi, to me it’s hard to decide which card sent by myself I like most. It makes me happier to send a card I love myself - though of course my first choice which card to send is with the wishes of the receiver.
Currently among my favorite sent cards are:

(a view of the Baltic sea with a stone-tower we built for this picture)

and this cute cat:

My third sent favorite was one of my first cards - and I forgot to upload the image. Unfortunately the receiver didn’t upload it either though he wrote that he loved it. It was a huge rock rising out of the sea, located in northern Iceland.

 still waiting for opportunities to send special cards 
 to send them officially makes an opportunity to share them with others and at the same time keep the image :grinning:

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This is an illustrated touristic Poster postcard, but I love it

Also, I love this colorful one


I recently sent out this one, from Jason Brook’s London. It’s the special light over the city that I especially like.

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send by HollyBooker, more than 100 favorites,


It was for my own personal collection, but after reading the profile, I know this one had to go.
It’s a shape card with some textured part (uneven surface) that lines the shape of the image. Perfect for someone with visual impairment, as she can feel it with her hand. And after receiving her hurray message, I am very satisfied and very happy that I sent this one out for her.

Well, I hope this Summer card will be available again this Summer :grin:


The background of the illustration is a mirror, that’s why the picture is a bit weird
 I didn’t want to be in the picture of the card😄
I had this card for many years on the wall of my teenage bedroom, because I like it so much. It moved with me to my new, own apartments.
And now I felt like it had to go, to the person who wanted portraits of beautiful women, and make her happy, even just for a tiny moment when she received the card :mailbox_with_mail::two_hearts:

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This card based on the story how I got it and where I sent it from, when I was on my first solo travel trip to Cyprus and visited the Northern side. It’s such a lovely card and shows a place on this tiny island not many people might know of!

This is one of my favourites too, the colours, the collage, a large vintage card! And how it was the most perfect fit for the recipents interests and likes.

Fan art card of my favourite TV series. Wishlist included LGBT supportive so I was so happy to send one and share my support from a country far away from the recipent.

I just find it hilarious and a great card for and from a Star Wars fan.

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Not to sound full of myself, but I tend to send real bangers. Just check this one that finally made it to Italy!

I love these because they are beautiful. I am new to Postcrossing so I’m building my postcard selection