Thank you, Postcrossing & Others, for your birthday wishes

Today is my birthday, and I woke up to email messages, not postcards, from several members wishing me a happy birthday. Yes, the organization Postcrossing sent me a birthday wish, but other people who sent me cards earlier in the year sent me birthday wishes as well. I was astounded and pleased. I never expected it.

These past two years have been difficult for me (not Covid-related) and to receive these messages has been heartwarming. I am so thankful for this community. This has made me realize that even the smallest gestures have great meaning and great impact. Just reaching out and saying a simple hello or happy birthday can really make someone’s day.

I extend a great thank you to the founders of Postcrossing for creating this experience and this community.


Happy Birthday, Carolyn,

Pls PM me your address and I will be happy to send you a card from India.

Many blessings

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Happy birthday Carolyn! :birthday:

I hope the next two years will the best ones so far for you!


Happy birthday dear Carolyn ! :grin::two_hearts::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::tada::tada::tada:

Happy birthday to youuuuu :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

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Happy Birthday! :bouquet:

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Thank you! I pm’d you.

Thank you!


Thanks. It’s cool to see a birthday greeting in Russian.

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:cake::tada::balloon:Happy birthday from Florida :palm_tree::crocodile::tangerine:

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:ocean::cherry_blossom::tada: Happy Birthday from Tokyo :gift_heart::birthday::sparkles:

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Happy Birthday!

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Happy birthday!

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Happy Birthday Carolyn…
A stamp to remind you of this day

Shine on…

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Feliz cumpleaños hermosa, desde España!

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Awww. Thank you for this.

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Happy birthday to you! Today (June 30) is my birthday and it was lovely to receive a Postcrossing greeting on my birthday. It really is a great community and project :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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:birthday: :partying_face: :tada: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::balloon::heart:

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