Thank you for postcards received - North America

NA food package tag - from @julian0321

This was fun to get. I’m used to seeing snack related cards so getting a beverage one was a nice surprise! thanks!

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Not My US State

Thanks @jennyjennyjenn for the pretty postcard from Tennessee. Sorry you didn’t find postcards you like but hope you had a nice trip anyway!

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US to US Request an Animal Tag
Thank you @inkandpaper for the cool bear card!

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Taking Out the Trash X4 tag

@mcrxmy - nice “trash”. Thank you.

Taking Out the Trash

@bookendss I’d say thank you for the trash but the cards you sent were definitely not trash. Thanks!

NA Perpetual Holiday Tag

@kanosis - Thank you for the elegant Appenzeller chicken card for Drinking With Chickens Day. I’m going to look up the history of this “holiday”

NA I want … [a building with ornate decorations] tag

@NewEnglandEllen - the Paris Opera House, built in 1862-1875. Thank you. It would be such fun to go to a performance there, even though I don’t know much about opera.

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Thank you @jennyjennyjenn for the postbox card! It is so very shiny and I love the stickers you picked!!

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Thank you @L2Y for the fun and mouth watering pizza postcard on the Food Package tag. Serious craving from this card!

US to US Request an Animal Tag

Thanks @hootnoodle for the Grumpy Cat card! I love it. Glad to hear you had a nice Memorial Day weekend.

USA to USA Tag

Thanks @pixxi88 for the beautiful postcard with the fun facts about Oregon!

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NA Perpetual holiday tag

Thank you @hootnoodle for the Alaskan art postcard for National Smile Day. I want to visit Alaska one day. And your trip to Europe sounds amazing. Glad you had a great time.

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NA Bizarro Tag

@hootnoodle thanks for this bizarro Dalí painting

NA Perpetual Holiday
What a cute idea, @kanosis! You just didn’t take into account the humid June weather here in Virginia… :hot_face: But I love it anyway! Thanks also for the interesting information for Flip a Coin Day.

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HaHa! Not for consumption! Beware: Don’t flip the coin! :grinning:

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5 Unwritten
@saoirse253 your envelope arrived today, thank you!

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I’m sorry you didn’t make it in the NARR June RR
@TwoDoggies Sent me a terrific cicada consolation card for missing out on the sign up. How very sweet of you. My students will absolutely love the cicada fact! Thank you so much for thinking of me.

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Not My US State or Territory Tag
Thank you @SharonMI for the great Arches card! I’ve never been either, but it’s on my list!

Request an Animal or Bird Tag
Thank you @cookiedoe for the Gray Catbird card by David Sibley! And such cute stickers, too!

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US to US - Request an Animal tag

@cookiedoe - a shaped card featuring a bunch of cute bunnies using a Chinese soup bowl as an onsen. Thank you. Very nice stamps, too!

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NA Perpetual Holiday Tag

@TrvlCat - a gorgeous view of Delicate Arch in Arches National Park for “National Utah Day”. Thank you. The card is postmarked May 31, but just arrived today. Yes, I have been to Utah, on a camping vacation with our kids in 1992. We saw all five national parks in Utah. Spectacular!

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Thanks Ellen @NewEnglandEllen for the great card of Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens - I looked up the mosaics and watched a YouTube video about the creator, fascinating!

Thanks Heather @inkandpaper for the Lithuanian bottlecap selection! I had a collection of Canadian caps as a kid and enjoyed displaying them like this!