Tarifas de Correos 2022 (España)

Hello everyone,

So, I’ve been sending postcards for half year from Spain, got the latest rates tarifa A-D from Correos website etc etc…

Today, I went to buy stamps to send my postcards, and the officer sold me Tarifa C to send my postcards to Canada and EE.UU. She said tarifa C is sufficient to send to these places. I said I’ve been sending my postcards using Tarifa D and she’s like no it’s alright, adding that Tarifa C is for outside EU.

Can someone clarify what just happened lol…TIA!

Looks like that post office clerk is a bit outdated. You definitely need Tarifa D for Canada and USA. :slight_smile:


This has happened to a lot of people who are regular users of Postcrossing. We always try to make sure that we are using the correct rate to send our cards, while the workers of Correos are completely oblivious of the new D rate (which has been in place for 3 years already, BTW). When in doubt, always check the official rates in Correos website. The D rate is needed when sending a postcard to Canada, USA, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and Russia.


I did try to tell her but she insisted, even asking the staff beside her. In the end, I sticked this Tarifa C stamps and pass the postcards directly to her😭

Hola Spanish people :sun_with_face:

in summer I plan to send postcards from Teneriffa to Germany. Which kind of stamps (sellos) do I need? Zone 1 or tarifa A? 0.78 cents? I‘m confused :woman_shrugging:

And this time I only use yellow postboxes! Many years ago I used the wrong ones (I think they were red?) and the postcards never arrived :disappointed_relieved:

Gracias a todos!

Hi there! To send a card from Spain to Germany, you need “Tarifa B” stamps, or a face value of 1,65€. And indeed, only use the yellow postboxes :wink:

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Gracias :blush:

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