[TALK] In ENGLISH - Visitors Corner

You should use this form and not the contact form GrauBunt gave you.

Otherwise - if it isn’t an official card - you can search your forum activities to find out in which lotteries / swaps you have participated.


Thank you all! Yes, it was an official card, we have already found its ID :slightly_smiling_face:


Hello. I need this book for my article but I couldn’t find an e-book at internet. Some universities in Germany have this book but because I don’t live in Germany I can’t access it. If someone can access this book for my stead and send it to me as pdf I’ll be most grateful. if you want to help you can check which universities has this book as e-book from the website below. Danke

Perhaos @colchique can help somehow.

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The library in which I work did not buy the licence for this e-book.
You can’t normally access an e-books online when it is not published open access because the institution i. e. library buys a licence so only the members of its university can access.
But I’ve seen that the book also exists as a printed version and you could make an international loan via your university library.


As a master’s degree student I can’t request international loan unfortunately.

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I’m surprised about this because I know it as a normal thing here. Perhaps your professor could make an international loan?


Actually that’s a good idea, I’ll ask my professor about that. Thanks for the idea


As a child I loved a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm called The Musician of Bremen. So since my childhood, I have been full of longing for this city. At the same time, Werder Bremen is also one of my favorite Bundesliga cities! It would be great if you have postcards about this city or can send one from Bremen! But my passion for football has faded now, preferably not about football, except for postcards related to Mr. Klose! ! ! !
I have for offering:

  1. pandas postcard from Beijing Zoo and panda stamps,
  2. Year of the Dragon themed postcards and Year of the Dragon stamps,
  3. Cat-themed special-shaped greeting cards and cat stamps.
  4. Hello Kitty postcard issued by China Post

Looking forward to your replies! ! !


Maybe @heureka or @Cassiopheia can help.


I was! We have arranged a swap already. Thank you for tagging me!


Same here, already arranged a swap :blush:


Thanks for your kind help! I have swapped with these two lovely ladies! I am very happy! :smiling_face:


You’re welcome!

Hi I’m Ellwnsy from China.I’m going to write to a German football club recently and I need some stamps to send a letter from Germany to China(The club needs these stamps when they write back)(The weight of letter is less than 20grams).I can exchange postcards or Chinese stamps with you.Please, can someone help me?
(PS:The club is Bayer 04 Leverkusen)

Can the stamps be sent directly to the football club? That would be much easier than sending the stamps first to China and then back from China to Germany. Then it would possibly take a very long time.

You can send them an International Reply Coupon. That is good for their postage. You should be able to buy it at Chinese post offices or look it up on the website of the Chinese Post.


It might be complicated for the football club to co-ordinate a letter from Germany with a stamp and on the other hand a letter from China (with the return envelope inside) that arrives much late.


Or someone from Germany sends the letter to the football club for you - of course you have to send the message / letter via email to the sender beforehand.


Sorry,it might not work😭