[TAG] NA to NA: 5 UNWRITTEN (surprise) mixed cards in an envelope

North America Tag.
In this Tag, you send 5 unwritten mixed cards in an envelope to the person you’ re tagging.

many different types of things / objects etc.
mixture of different cards .

Please don’t send identical cards like all 5 cards are illustrations/cartoons or a combination of different objects , in this case FIVE DIFFERENT CARDS that are NEW and unused.

For example: nature, handmake, movies, animals, landscape, car, and so on.

This is not a wishlist Tag so requests for specific postcards and/or countries are not allowed.

First person to be tagged is me, @Pinksxo

Tag @Pinksxo

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Tag @sleepyhippo1

Tag @SharonMI

Please send me your address. I think I probably have it but since I,m doing this at 1 am your reply will be my reminder! :rofl:

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Tag @TwoDoggies

Tag @sleepyhippo1

(I think I still have your address!)

tag @Pinksxo (i have your address)

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Tag @sarahaeyo have your address

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tag @uconn

Tag @saoirse253
I have your address

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Tag @sleepyhippo1

tag @l2y

tag @inlostdreams - I have your address :smiling_face:

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tag @potatertot (I have your address) :smiley:

I have a new address

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tag @CrimsonKing (i have your new address :wink:)

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Tag @sarahaeyo

Tag @sleepyhippo1

Tag @bookendss
Please send me your address. :smiley:

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tag @TandemStoker

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Tag @potatertot

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