[TAG] NA to NA: 5 UNWRITTEN (surprise) mixed cards in an envelope

Tag. @SharonMI

tag @BarbL

please send me your address :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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tag @disappearingrecord

I have a new address :smiley:

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Tag @CrimsonKing

tag @pixxi88

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Tag @potatertot

Please send me your address.

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Tag @CalicoBeer

tag @mayritasea

tag @Imhowl

tag @sarahaeyo I have your address from Sept 2022.

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Tag @breeze2902
Please PM your address. Thank you!

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Tag @TandemStoker

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tag @sleepyhippo1

tag @breeze2902

Tag @Imhowl i have your address :heart:

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Tag @bookendss

Tag @sleepyhippo1