[TAG] NA Similar to Favorites Tag


Is anyone interested in starting a tag for cards similar to the tagged person’s favorites?

I will send a card back to the first person to tag me.

Could be fun! :singing:

(I just transferred this tag from the old forum, here’s how the tag went there:
For this tag you check the person’s favorites and tag them if you have a similar card or the same fave)

You can share the postcards you’ve received from this tag on this topic.

I was the last person tagged on the old forum :slight_smile:

@wayness I have a lot of nature themed cards I could send you! By looking at your favorites it seems like you like nature themed? I have some big Scottish touristy ones of views and animals! I also have some very nice national park cards. Just private message me if you’re interested!

tag @anon12983924 with a card similar to

my favorites

Tag @wayness with card similar to https://www.postcrossing.com/postcards/US-743086 (From the same set)

My favorites:

Tag @ellistrations with a postcard similar to https://www.postcrossing.com/postcards/CH-542838

My favorites https://www.postcrossing.com/user/MystiqueDeep/gallery/favourites

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Tag @MystiqueDeep with this card https://www.postcrossing.com/postcards/CZ-1647070

I don’t have a favorites gallery, but if I did it would include:
Lord of the Rings
Harry Potter
Large birds in flight
Keep Calm
Blue Cats
Reflections in water
Ariel views of rivers

Tag @BarbL with reflections

Tag, @Crystalinne - I’ve got something similar for you. Have your address and will mail it tomorrow~

My faves: https://www.postcrossing.com/user/Shenaniganator/gallery/favourites

Updating with favorite categories:
-Food packaging cards
-Handmade cards
-Illustrations with rain, rainboots, umbrellas, etc
-Urban Sketching box set
-colorful doors/windows/rows of houses
-anything with bunting or doilies on it

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Tag @Shenaniganator with a food package card.

My favorites: https://www.postcrossing.com/user/MystiqueDeep/gallery/favourites

Tag @MystiqueDeep

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Tag @Crystalinne with this card: Postcard US-7449504
(I have your address)

My favorites:

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tag @ellistrations - I have your address!

My favourites: JasonDavid’s wall of favorite postcards (postcrossing.com)


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Tag @JasonDavid for a card similar to https://www.postcrossing.com/postcards/CA-1046876

tag @iwritedeb with a card similar to

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Tag @wayness with this one from your favorites pages.

tag @Crystalinne with a card like this

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tag @sannah82 with a card similar to

tag @wayness with a card similar to:

Tag @CrimsonKing with card similar to:

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