Sun science stamps, weird

I wanted to like these stamps, thought they’d be awesome. While, yes, it’s cool they got these images, I don’t think they work that well as stamps. Look at the one on a recent postcard I sent … reminds me of photos i got at the doc’s office, if you see what I mean. Do you, more expert collectors, like these?


I’m not a collector but I think they are very pretty :slightly_smiling_face:


Personally, I like that they have the iridescent foil, but I don’t like that it’s on a black background. It doesn’t show the postmark well. And the whole set is almost the same image, so I feel it’s a bit boring.

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yes & the black just doesn’t work for the kinds of postcards I like to send - the foil part is cool

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I’m with @qrulez; I like them! It’s just that the name “coronal hole” makes me giggle. (“Plasma blast” is way cooler. :dark_sunglasses:)


maybe they’ll grow on me, :wink:

I personally think they are way more attractive than the goofy stamps the USPS likes to issue.


I like 'em a lot! They’ve got depth and detail and I love the rich dark color scheme.


thanks, that is a better photo for sure - :slightly_smiling_face:

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I actually adore these stamps (and just bought more this week) but I’m a science geek and have an entire lunar/solar collection of different items. I haven’t tried these on any postcards yet but can see where the cancellation mark might get lost or the dark background would be unappealing to some poeple. I didn’t think they looked like optometry images but now I can’t unsee :crazy_face: it

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haha, yes, optometry might be one kind of image - yes, i’m all in for science & geekdom, I guess that’s why the way these “read” disappointed me. They are beautiful but somehow lacking as a stamp IMO.

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I am not stamp collector and found they are boring

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I’m a lifelong stamp collector. I like the new sun science stamps and I know a lot of people ask for nice stamps (other than the typical global stamp) so I think most people like these, but that’s just my thought on the matter.


Now that Livletliv has mentioned it, yes, some of the stamps do resemble pictures you might see at a doctor’s office, mainly endoscopic photos of a cross-section of someone’s extremely clogged arteries. But they’re still better than the three cent “Silver Coffeepot” stamp that they issued a while ago.


Some of the US stamps are not impressive when compared to some of the elaborate & exquisite stamps I’ve received from Japan, Thailand, Australia, Scandinavian countries & many other locales.

In Big Bear, Calif. , there is a Sun Observatory. Looking through the telescope lens you can see all solar activity in real time. The stamps capture what you would see through the lens. It was really amazing. If looked like lava flow. Then to replicate the events in stamps was even more amazing.

When you are in Calif, check it out.


There are much, much worse stamps than these all around the world :grin: these are great…

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No doubt there are worse, :wink:

Hey, you leave my coffee pot alone! :triumph:

(But seriously, have you used it together with the Navajo necklace or Tiffany lamp? They look fabulous together. :sparkles::dark_sunglasses::sparkles:)


I’ll have to take your word for it

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