Sugggestion - delete inactive member(s) over one year

I started postcrossing in 2008 and spent 9 years abroad so i stopped it. My mum kept all the postcards i collected over the years Even though for some time i wasnt sending or receiving. I’m glad to be back and look forward to receive/send My first postcard in 9 years it’s been 11 days now


Yup — Postcrossing does not give out addresses of members who have not been on the website for over a month.

I believe @hans62vdberg is probably referring to something different… maybe a member who recently returned to the website after a period of inactivity and is now sending/receiving their first postcards after their break (which is perfectly normal, and no reason for alarm).


Maybe, but those acvounts usually neither have filled in tje profile nor uploaded a profile picture, so what do you save if you delete those accounts?
In my opinion deleting them is mainly upheaval with nearly no positive effect.
Postcrossing is about connecting, not about statistics!


How can one connect with someone who isn’t there?
And “Kleinvieh macht auch Mist” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:, even if it’s just empty profiles they take up serverspace with their saved data (Username, password , statistics etc). Deleting the whole mass of all of them will free a good amount of space (possibly, I’m not an expert). And free up possible usernames for new members to use.
Postcrossing is about connecting, not collecting. So maybe it would be good to stop collecting dead accounts nobody can connect with anymore. :woman_shrugging:

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I’m sure if server space was an issue, admin would consider this, but presumably it is not, and they are the only ones that need to worry about this.


How can you draw an address that is not given out?
As stated several times in this thread, profiles are set to inactive automatoäically, if the users did not show up for a month, so they can do no harm.
To me your main issue seems to be the statistics, but Postcrossing is not about statistics, so statistics is in my opinion no reason to change anything.


And you guessed wrong. My main issue with dead accounts is the space they are takeing up. I mean expired postcards are deleted after one year because they would take up too much dataspace after a while ( Postcards that you can't register (traveling for over one year) - #23 by paulo). I apply the same reasoning to dead accounts (abadonned Newbie accounts in this case).

Okay. I already wrote, that they do not claim much space, so I leave it at this.

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Those concerned about data space…

Try telling that to the narcissistic Instagramers who post 5 to 10 pointless selfies of their insignificant lives to their profiles a day, how much server space does that take up, probably also using the same amount of energy to boil a kettle.

I think ghost profiles on Postcrossing is one of the least worried about problems on the internet.


This might not be directly related to the topic, but I’m considering issuing warnings to users who send a few postcards and then never log in again to register any (or registered only a few). Are there any existing regulations regarding these kinds of accounts?
Most of my expired cards have been sent to inactive accounts, which likely will never be accessed again…

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Yes, they get emails who remember them to log in again.

@lunarrv15 …I am seeing your post a bit late. Just Curious where you sent a request for a direct swap? On the Official PostCrossing site or the Forum? I think the courteous thing to do is to reply yay or nay to a swap request. With some not-so-common countries, those members may be a boatload of swap requests. Understandably, they might not be interested.

[quote=“cliffside, post:53, topic:697080, full:true”]
@lunarrv15 …I am seeing your post a bit late. Just Curious where you sent a request for a direct swap? On the Official PostCrossing site or the Forum?

Lets change from 1 year to 5 + years?

I send a message through the members profile that say they accept direct exchange. Some have been over 5 years and have not responded as NO or Yes So are they not active or ignoring request.

I would ask swaps only from members who have been active lately.
Thinking I would accept direct swaps, but for example not be active for a year, I would think it’s a little strange why someone wants to swap with me when they can see I’m not active.

I would not delete members even when they are not active for many years, if they have sent cards. Recently I have sent to one who previously was active before I have joined, I think it will be fun for them to see what has changed, and it would be sad if they had to be new member again, when they already have Postcrossing history.

There are so many clauses in life, “pay for this to be able to use that” or “you need to do this first to be able to have that.”
I don’t think that mentality has to extend to Postcrossing. We’re not here to be minimalistic.
Postcrossing should be as stress-free as poasible (hence why it’s a free-to-play hobby) and I think by telling people “log in or you’ll get deleted!” this goes against this mentality.


Again, I am sorry that happened to you. I didn’t want to say this earlier because I was uncertain where this occurred. Now it appears to be the Official site. I can tell you from past experience that the Official site is notoriously bad when it comes to direct exchanges. That is why after a couple of months, I made the decision to do swaps only in the Forum. Those members are active. Most will respond, yay or nay, to a swap request; a few won’t bother. It is what it is.


Hello @Bille! :slightly_smiling_face::raising_hand_woman:t3:
I sent a postcard to this member almost 300 days ago, and this profile has been inactive for 9 months:

I can understand everything, but this address still falls out to someone. And it becomes a shame that the postcards will never be registered. In Russia, tariffs are not yet as high as sending postcards abroad. Maybe it’s worth freezing this profile for a while so that her address doesn’t get to other members? I don’t know who else I can write to. If these problems do not apply to you, could you please forward them to the person who will resolve this issue. Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:

This profile has been inactive for 5 months:

Accounts are already set to inactive if someone hasn’t logged in for a month. So this address won’t be given to others.


I have removed the user profiles from your post as it is not appreciated to publish the names of the users being reported here.

You can of course report the users to the support on the main page, but I personally don’t see the point.

Nobody is permanently bound to Postcrossing - everyone has the right to leave the community forever or come back at any time.


It makes me sad that some of my postcards may never get registered because some people decided to stop participating without placing their profiles in travel mode or de-activating their account. It’s not about not being able to send another card for me, I’m okay waiting, even way pass the 60 days… but it just makes me sad because I put thought in the postcard I chose for them, and the message I wrote them, and the stamps I decided to use for them…all my effort seem wasted… am I the only one who feels like that? I always feel good when I put a postcard in the mailbox because of the effort I put in to it… maybe I shouldn’t take it so personal… just a few thoughts… thanks for reading this, I just needed to put my thoughts down.